Ch 11 (Part 3)- Forgive Us These Smiles

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((Okay. The announcement I made last time was slightly incorrect. Season two is not officially out yet. They did release episode one, though. Season two will now be premiering in September.))

The entire room was frozen, everyone but Karlheinz staring at Lydia in utter bewilderment. It was so quiet in the mansion that for once you could hear the ticking of the grandfather clock from down the hall. The silence was broken when said clock chimed that it was midnight and broke everyone out of their trance.

"What do you mean Artemis is promised to Shu?" Alice asked in utter bewilderment.

"It's really not that hard to understand," Lydia rolled her eyes. "Promised means they're engaged." She spoke to Alice like you would a child with developmental problems.

"Don't talk to me that way," Alice said through gritted teeth.

"Then don't ask stupid questions," Lydia retorted. Alice nearly charged, but Kanato held her back.

"Since when has she been engaged to Shu? I don't recall him ever asking her to be his," Ayato asked skeptically. "In fact, if I remember correctly, they hardly ever interacted."

"Why should that matter? My daughter agreed to the union at the time it was made," Lydia stated.  

"What!?" Alice, Kanato, Ayato, and Yui all said at the same time.

Lydia sighed as she retold what happened that day.


"I can honestly say I am surprised to see you here," Karlheinz smirked. "We do not see much of you since Artemis was born."

"Well, I can't say I'm pleased with my daughter turning out the way she did," Lydia sighed. "I'd have preferred it if she'd turned out like Apolla, but what's done is done."

"True," Karlheinz agreed. "I actually called you here to discuss young Artemis."

"Oh?" she replied with a raised brow, crossing one leg over the other.

"It seems your husband and I have different opinions when it comes to whom Artemis will wed when the time comes. I have asked him numerous times to allow my eldest, Shu, to have her hand, but he keeps insisting that the choice should be hers," Karlheinz sighed.

"I don't see why you called me," she chuckled. "I could care less about who my daughter marries."

"I see," Karlheinz said with a hint of displeasure, but she didn't seem to notice. He shrugged it off. "I cannot say I blame Mason, though. I recall him saying he did not want his precious daughter ending up being forced into a loveless marriage like he was."

Utter shock and heartbreak came to her face. She sat there in silence before a charming smile replaced any emotion she was showing. "You know what? I've changed my mind. I think my daughter marrying Shu is a wonderful idea."

"Excellent," Karlheinz said, giving a closed eyed smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"I do have a few conditions, however,"  she smirked. Karlheinz looked at her in question. "I believe you're familiar with a dowry?" He nodded. "Good, but I'd like the opposite of that."


"You did what!?" Mason nearly screamed in horror.

"You heard me," Lydia raised her brows. "I arranged the marriage you were too scared to."

"Too scared to...?" Mason repeated. "What the Hell is wrong with you!? What makes you think this would be okay? You have no right to dictate who our daughter marries!"

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