Ch 7- Got a Secret... Can Ya Keep It?

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It was dark. Too dark. She didn't like it one bit. No matter what direction she turned, there was only darkness. No matter how long she walked, her hands out in front of her, she couldn't feel anything. It was starting to become frustrating.

She tried calling out numerous times, but there was never a reply. At least, not the kind she wanted.

"Pauvre petit fou. Est l'agneau sacrificiel perdu?" a voice whispered in her ear, making her jump. (Poor little fool. Is the sacrificial lamb lost?)

"Reiji?" she said as she turned, finding no one there.

"Did you actually believed anyone here cared about you?" another voice asked.

"Subaru? Someone, please, talk to me! Why is it so dark?" she said, turning frantically.

Everything lit up around her, blinding her for a moment. She slowly opened her eyes, finding herself in a wide open field, the wheatgrass up to her knees. She was wearing a long sleeved white dress that came to midcalf and her feet were bare.

Hands grabbed her shoulders, making her jump again. Lips grazed her ear as they spoke. "Did you actually think that you were worth anything more than the blood coursing through your veins?"

She looked at Reiji from the corner of her eye, confusion evident there. "What are you talking about?"

"She thinks she's so smart, yet she can't even understand a simple sentence," Subaru said, suddenly appearing in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I would hardly call her smart," Reiji laughed. "Her IQ is barely that of a bag of rocks."

She looked between the two in shock.

"Aw. See. She's even confused right now," Subaru said in mock sympathy.

"Should we end her misery?" Reiji asked with a malicious smile.

"I think we should," Subaru said as he reached a hand toward her and Reiji leaned down toward her neck.

"No!" she screamed, slapping their hands away and trying to run. She only got a few feet away when her legs stopped working and she fell to the ground. She flipped over, trying to crawl back as she watched them stalk toward her, enjoying her fear. "Why are you doing this?"

"Quit frankly, I am tired of pretending I care," Reiji sighed.

"I'm tired of hearing her wine," Subaru rolled his eyes. "Let's break her jaw first." Reiji smiled as if agreeing with him as they reached down toward her.

Reiji grabbed her by the back of the hand and Subaru by the wrist. She cried out as they yanked her up forcefully.

"Please..." she begged as tears sprung in her eyes.

"Oh, pauvre petit agneau. Elle pense que si elle supplie, les loups se laisser aller," Reiji chuckled. (Oh, poor little lamb. She thinks if she begs, the wolves will let her go.) His smile suddenly fell and his expression turned serious, although it was hard to take him completely serious while he was speaking French. "Tu ne es rien qu'un repas, Artemis. Rien de plus qu'un sac de sang chaud pour être utilisé à notre goût." (You are nothing more than a meal, Artemis. Nothing more than a warm blood bag to be used to our liking.) His smile returned, his fangs prominent against his perfect teeth. "Juste accepter votre sort et maintenez encore. Je espère que vous êtes un screamer." (Just accept your fate and hold still. I do hope you are a screamer.)

"Will you quit it with that crap?" Subaru barked. "However, I do hope she breaks easy." He smiled, the same with his fangs and teeth.

The light seemed to close in and the last thing she saw was their mouths coming toward her.

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