Ch 12- Manners For Now and Promises For the Future

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((For this chapter, I'll be using -kun, -chan, -sama, and -senpai at the end of each name when someone speaks said name just to show how each person addresses another. Of course, some won't use these honorifics.))

Alice was surprised to feel something cold pressed against her when she woke up the next night. She knew she should get up to get ready for school, but she was still exhausted from the previous nights events and simply tried to wrap the blanket closer around herself. The blanket, however, wouldn't budge. Grumbling to herself, she rolled over to find Azusa snuggled up next to her.

She was both surprised that he was there and that he could fit; her mattress was rather small and just her size, but Azusa was at least five foot seven compared to her four foot two. Despite that, here he was curled into a ball next to her with a peaceful look on his face.

Her room was what one would expect of her: Alice in Wonderland themed. Her walls were hand painted with scenes from both the book and movie, seeming to go from light to dark the further into the room you went. Above her bed was the quote, 'We're all mad here,' with the Cheshire Cat's vanishing smile beneath it. The bed frame itself was in the shape of a half white teacup, the rounded side pressed against the wall so it gave her easy access to get in and out of, with light blue sheets, at least ten white, black, and blue pillows, and a matching comforter with a dancing Alice etched into the fabric. Next to the bed was a mushroom shaped nightstand with a few books sitting on top and a tea pot shaped lamp. The floor was a black and white checkered pattern with a glassy finish that made it look like one would fall through at any moment. On one wall, the doors were painted almost like a window so that if you stepped through you'd find yourself in Wonderland, but all you'd find after opening them was her closet. In the corner of the room was a kind of sitting area; pushed into the far corner was a kind of warped white loveseat that was half on the wall and half on the floor, a red armchair off to the side of that with a heart shaped back, a warped grandfather clock between the two with a shrinking face that looked like it was falling down a rabbit hole, a white u shaped sectional across from those three with a back only around the rounded part and black, white, and blue throw pillows, and in the center of all that was another mushroom table with a chessboard and pieces sitting on top.

"Azusa," she said as she shook his shoulder. She regretted the action immediately because he rolled over and toppled right out of the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. She turned on her bedside light and looked down at him as he looked around in shock before turning his gaze to her. "Good morning."

"Good morning," he replied in that same soft, slow voice of his. He sat up and started to rub the sleep from his eyes, making her realize he was shirtless.

"Why were half naked and in my bed?" she asked bluntly.

"I got lonely.... in the.... guest bedroom," he explained as he stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. "Reiji-san only checked... on me once last night.... before heading to his room... so I came here... and found you sleeping. I tried to wake you up.... but I was tired.... and you were so warm."

"Yeah," Bunnicula said as he popped up, "but you forgot to notice I was there and slept on me all night!" Alice noticed he was somewhat flat. "It's going to take me a week to readjust all my stuffing back into place!" he grumbled as he jumped off the bed and headed toward the bathroom. "I officially hate Vampires. The whole lot of them." He slammed the door shut behind him.

"He uses.... the bathroom?" Azusa asked in surprise as he looked back toward her.

"It's complicated," she waved it off before looking at his torso and realizing it was no longer bandaged and the wound from the previous night was completely gone, not even a scar or pink spot left. "I'm guessing my blood helped?" He looked down then back up and nodded. "Good to know."

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