Ch 11 (Part 1)- An Unexpected Diner Guest

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Artemis hadn't been talking much these last few weeks. What little she said was only to answer a question at home or in school, and she only said what she had to and nothing more. Atherion and Alice tried to get her to do things with them, like go on walks or other simple things, but she usually just shut herself in her room and did who knows what. Subaru and Reiji were no help, either. Every time she was so much as mentioned, they shut everyone else out too and went off elsewhere. It got to the point where the three of them wouldn't even eat dinner together.

Eventually, Atherion had enough of Artemis' mood and decided to do something about it. With the help of Alice, they came up with a plan.

"Hey, Artemis~!" she called as she and Alice burst into the room.

"Hm?" Artemis answered. She was lying on her couch with her arm over her eyes, like she was worn out.

"You're gonna skip school with us tomorrow," she stated as Alice sat on the arm of one end of the couch and she sat on the other.

"No I am not," Artemis retorted, not moving from her place.

"Yes you are," Alice demanded.

Artemis sighed and asked, "Why?"

"Because you've been down in the dumps lately. I miss happy Artemis," Alice pouted.

"Well, she is on an indefinite leave of absence. You will have to contact her at a different time," Artemis said sarcastically.

"Artemis," Atherion glared. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not."

"Or I could tell Shu and Kanato you two are skipping and see how they react to that," Artemis shrugged.

"What's with you lately?" Alice asked. "You're acting like Shu did before Atherion fucked him."

"Hey! Don't talk about my sex life, you salted slug!" Atherion protested, her head shooting up. Alice shrugged. "Anyway, why don't you want to go out with us?"

"Hm. Let me think," Artemis said as she moved her arm away from her eyes and looked at Atherion as she sat up, her eyes blazing. "One: The last time I skipped even one class, I was beaten senseless and got an involuntary haircut. Two: I do not want to go out. Three: I really do not appreciate being told what to do, so stay the Hell out of my life and mind your own business!" She got up and stormed out of her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Wow," Bunnicula said after a moment. "That girl needs to take a chill pill."

"Be nice," Alice said, lightly slapping him on top of his head.

"I'm just saying," Bunnicula said as he rubbed his head. "Let's take her to a strip club!"

"No," Atherion and Alice said together.

"Well," Atherion sighed, "I guess we're doing this the hard way."

"There are plenty of hard things at a strip club," Bunnicula pointed out.


Artemis stepped outside the back door and took a deep breath, letting the cold air wash over her. She never understood how the greenery here never died and lived year round, but, then again, she was living in a house with six male vampires and she was what they called a Vampire Vessel, so this wasn't much of a stretch.

She wished she knew more about being a Vessel, but all the books in the library weren't very helpful. There was no text on it and there were no references. She'd borrowed the book from Reiji, without actually asking for it, but the book told her very little. No more than what Reiji had told her firsthand.

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