Ch 5- An Incidental Kiss

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Artemis stood in front of the stove, watching as the water boiled and the food cooked in the many pots and pans. Despite being extremely tired and drained, she still found the strength to cook dinner. That wasn't even the hard part. Everyone had different tastes when it came to eating and none were the same. Disappointment was absolutely not an option, however.

She looked back down at the cookbook and mumbled to herself as she followed the directions. "Sprinkle on a pinch of garlic. Add a zest of lemon. Let simmer for five minutes."

She stood there for a few more minutes, stirring the pots, when she felt arms wrap around her from behind. She jumped, nearly dropping the spoon she was holding, and looked behind her.

"Reiji," she said in irritation, "are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"I would never dream of it," Reiji chuckled. "If I did that, your heart would most likely stop, and then the wonderful taste of your blood would be gone forever." He placed a hand on her chest over her heart, making her blush. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "It smells delicious in here."

"Well, it is is almost ready, so you may want to go sit with the others," she said, surprised by how steady her voice was.

"That is not the smell I was referring to," Reiji chuckled again. A shiver ran up her spine as he licked her neck. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to be around a scent like this and not be able to do a thing about it? It is like the story of Tantalus. The fruit and water are right there before me, but I may not touch it. Not until we return home, that is." She flinched as his fangs grazed her skin. He grabbed her hand and turned her around before lifting her easily on top of the counter away from the stove. He reached a hand up and ran his fingers through her hair. "I love this hair. It is so soft yet strong. It is growing back rather fast. It seems like it was just yesterday that it was cut, and yet it is already past your shoulders." She could feel her heart beating faster as his index finger and thumb grabbed the end of a strand of her hair, twisting it slightly. He placed his gloved hands on either side of her face. "Hold still." Her eyes widened as he leaned in, his mouth slightly open, before closing them just before he reached her. Her eyes snapped open as his lips met hers and moved slowly against her. For a split second she wanted to push him away, but when that second passed, she couldn't help but notice how right it felt. He stepped forward so his hips were between her legs, making her feel lucky that she'd changed into pants after school, and deepened the kiss. After a moment of hesitation, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips before starting to kiss back. His hands moved down from her face to her waist and pulled her full against him. They eventually had to pull apart so she could breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were slightly swollen. "You taste like strawberries." He licked his lips.

"Good to hear," she said, her voice barely able to go above a whisper. They both looked over at the stove as they heard a sizzling sound. "Oh, drat! The noodles!" Reiji moved aside as she jumped off the counter. She grabbed some pot holders and took the pot off the stove before the water could boil over any more. She picked up a spoon and stirred the pasta before checking it. "At least they are not burned."

"That is good," Reiji sighed as he straightened his clothes. "I will wait with the others, then."

"Reiji," she called as he walked out the door. He turned his head to look at her. "What, um... What does this mean? Between us, I mean?" She couldn't find the courage to look at him.

Reiji stared at her for a moment. "What do you think it means?"

"I do not know," she replied honestly.

"Well, when you think you do, come and talk to me," Reiji said before leaving the kitchen.

She sighed as she put a strainer in the sink and poured in the water from the pot. A the noodles drained, she pulled out some plates and began prepping them.

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