It's a monologue

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Hi I told you there would be a rant coming!

Before we start: 1) How are you?

2) Completely irrelevent but did you know that "monologue" is a greek word? It comes from the words "mónos" (μόνος) which means "only" and "lógos" (λόγος) which means "talk" (the noun). So it means the talk in which only one person talks :)

Today's rant is about ducks. Of course not for the ducks themselves. What bad thing could I say for my species?
No, this rant is about the way people see ducks.
First of all, let me make some things clear.
1) I 'm not talking about ducks in cartoons but ducks in comics, since if we counted their cartoons the way they are looked at would be right.
2) I will consider mainly Carl Barks' Don Rosa's and Romano Scarpa's works for this rant. Unfortunately, today's comics are mainly Topolino and the majority of the stories there, are quite stupid. If you asked me, the creators usually have ran out of ideas so they try to make stories out of nothing which results to meaningless stories.

Now let's get to the rant itself.
I said it would be about the way people see ducks. But what does this mean? All of the people I know, both adults and kids, apart from two, think of ducks as animals that were made to make five-years-olds laugh. They see them as funny animals. Keep the word "animals" in my mind. The duckverse is looked upon as a childish silly universe that doesn't get across meanings and it's only use is to entertain little kids. However, it is obvious to a person who has made some research into this fantastic universe that these opinions are as right as the opinion that women's only use is to wash the dishes. And what makes them just the cliché wrong opinion of the public? Let's take them one by one.

First of all : humor. One of comics' basic characteristics is humor. Our Duckburg heroes are often looked upon as animals that do ridiculous and funny stuff and this is how humor is misunderstood. Humor is the ability to entertain others but it's not silly, in the contrary , it's a charisma. I mean, laughing can heal sadness and if you can take one's sadness away it's a great thing. "Entertain" may mean to make fun of yourself but that's not bad. In my opinion, if one can achieve this just to make another person smile, then it reveals a lot about this person's character: the want to offer, help and selfishness is not one of their characteristics.
Comic creators use that type of humor. They want to make your day better. Besides, take Don Rosa for example: he doesn't make simple jokes -they are smart. Also, Carl Barks had mentioned in one of his letters to a fan that it usually took him three or four days to write jokes for the dialogues. I believe it's worth-mentioning as well that René Goscinny, the creator of Lucky Luke, Astèrix and Le Petit Nicolas, had said "Is there any better job than the one of making people laugh?"
In conclusion, I think that humor is in general an underrated quality that is usually taken for granted and thus is never appreciated enough. Comics are just proof of this.

Seconly, something that is often connected to the cliché opinion on humor is the opinion that comics don't get across meanings. Of course, not all comics get across important meanings, but then do all books do that?
Even if we assumed that all books do, there's one comic creator whose stories are perfect examples of deep meanings: Don Rosa. In order to understand perfectly what I m talking about I suggest you read "Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck" as well as "A Little Something Special", "Dream Of A Lifetime" and "Letter Of Home". (Oh you have no idea how much I cried over the end of the last one)
However, I will put here some parts of his stories.
These are from "The Empire Builder From Calisota"

These are from "The Empire Builder From Calisota"

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