I Love Tags N' Tags

72 9 85

Yes another tag
Anway the reference in the title isn't really a good one since I didn't really have inspiration lol
But anyway it's about I Love Rock N' Roll by Joan Jett 😅

Sooo thank you very much ireadtoomuch9  for the tag!!

1) Current favourite song
FINALLY a reasonable question!! Not your favourite song, but your current favourite song! I guess it's My Walden by Nightwish 🥰

2) Favourite Wattpad books rn
I think it's _4m3r1c4n_B34uty_ 's art book. It's so awesome!!!
But also all the randomness/spam ones I m currently reading. Their authors are all reading this now!

3) Last song you listened to
I am listening to Call Me by Blondie rn 😁😁😁

4) Funny story from the past week
I can't really think of something rn 😬

5) Last movie you watched
I think it was "The Man Who Cried". It's about a Russian-Jew (is this the right word? I m not sure) girl whose father has to leave her to go to America when she was little. So she stays with her grandma back to Russia, but a short while after, she must leave in order to survive. However, she gets seperated from the people who accompanied her and ends up in England all by herself. There they give her a new name and she is given for adoption. When she grows up she goes to Paris where she falls in love with a Gipsy guy. In the end, she has to leave him because World War II starts and, as a half Jew, she is in danger. So she manages to travel to America and tries to find her father.

If series count too, then the last one I watched was My Hero Academia. Honestly tho, I m currently watching season 3 and it's really bad.
Like I know it's fantasy/adventure series, so I didn't expect it to have any meanings and stuff. But at least it watch fun to watch in the beggining. Now, I think they have ran out of ideas so they are exaggerating in the battle scenes in order to fill that space (like Rick Riordan does in ToA and KC)  The villains are very creepy, scary and disgusting and there are more battle scenes than needed -which are really stupid sometimes too. Plus, the daily life scenes have ended up very annoying. The characters are competing against each other in order to sUrPaSs tHeIr LiMiTs AnD bEcOmE sTrOngEr ALL THE TIME. And I don't think that's something important for one's life at all. I mean, yes you do have to accept the fact that your failures and mistakes make you stronger, but one can't be productive when they exhaust themselves to death!!

6) Bedroom wall colour
The one wall is a light blue and the other three a light yellow with some slightly darker yellow spots here and there.

7) Favourite school subject
The Illiad/Odyssey

8) First inside joke you can think of
Aiming at PJO fans...

"Bret McBarbie"
Aiming at rockers who have read this book...

My literal Wattpad name, "Greek Fruit"
Aiming at Duffsvodka39  I guess...

This emoji: "😏"
Aiming at one of my best friends who most likely won't read this but I m not sure...

9) Tell a dad joke
A what?

Tag time :DDD










Yupp that's all

Do you want the next chapter to be

a) Book review

b) TV series review

c) Movie review

d) Rant (it will be either about PJO or about some movie 'based on *insert name of book*' that got everything wrong)

e) Power metal spam

Please tell me! I can't decide!!

Also today I have an amazing band to show you!

Carry On -Angra

This is another one of the few songs that make me feel better when I am sad and I believe it's definitely worth checking out ♥️

And I really like its lyrics too:
Cold is the wind and thunder struck
On the stormy night
But can't you see, I'm by your side
We are marching on!

Angra is a 90s power and heavy metal band and I love them sooooo muchhhh!!!
I absolutely love their first vocalist, André Matos, as well as their first guitarist, Kiko Loureiro, who is in Megadeth now!

Bye for now, my ducklings and please tell me what do you want the next chapter to be about!

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