Popcorn night #3

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Hello hello how low how low
For a start:
I really hope 2022 will be a better year for our planet and all the forms of life who live there. I wish that you have health, happiness, love and you manage to overcome all of your problems. May this be a new start -brighter and happier than the previous year- for all of you!!!

Getting back to our daily subjects: two days ago I asked you what you would like to see in the next chapter and one of my best friends, -hungovxryou- suggested I would do a movie review so here we go once again...Thank you for responding

Before I go on I should tell you that it's been a while since I watched the movie I 'm going to talk about and I don't remember it that well so what you are about to read may not be the best review ever but hopefully enough to understand a few things about it. And that movie is...

Dangerous Beauty

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This film made quite an impression to me and I believe it's definitely worth watching. You may also find it under the title A Destiny Of Her Own or The Honest Courtesan

The protagonist is a woman in 16th-century Venice. She comes from a normal family with no noble blood or much money but she falls in love with a member of one of Venice's most distinguished families. He returns her feelings but in the end he reveals to her that he has to marry another aristocrat. This breaks her heart and before she is able to recover she finds out that in order to survive and bring money to her family she has to become a prostitute. She becomes one of the most prominent women in Venice but the story is not over yet...

Why I like it
I don't have much to say about it as a movie. It's an historical and a biographical film which means it's great when it comes to the direction but it's not something outstanding. I still have to say some things about the plot though

I found the story itself really interesting. At first glance, it looks like some Shakespeare soap-opera -you know "Rich guy and poor girl fall in love but he has to marry a rich girl so oh what a tragedy but in the end true love wins and they get married"- but it actually is far different from that. It's about love, yes but not only that. A prostitute back then was not simply a woman who had sex to make money. It was much more. These were the only women who had access to knowledge and independence while the rest were simply forced to marry. That's why the protagonist wasn't admired only for her beauty but also for her spirit and mind. Plus it's a biographical movie -the story it narrates is real and that makes it ducking amazing. I don't want to explain what is it that makes it so unbelievable, because then I would spoil the surprise. But just a small hint: this woman survived something 90% of people back then didn't !

It was quite hard for me to chose what film I should talk about in this chapter so why did I come to that choice? The one who suggested a movie review chapter was -hungovxryou-  as I have already mentioned. In Dangerous Beauty I saw love and passion -a sense of beauty that you showed me, -hungovxryou-  with your wonderful rants and drawings about pin-ups, Playboy etc. Thank you so much for being my friend and always teaching me new things

That was it for today, guys. A pretty short chapter but hopefully one you enjoyed to read. Oh and before you leave I would like to ask you: I 'm thinking of making a book with book/movie/tv series reviews. It will include all the ones I have published here so far but also new ones which will be published in both books. Is anyone here interested?

And last but not least here's the song of the chapter :)

Eyes Of A Stranger -Queensryche

I 'm so obsessed with this song and still impressed about how Geoff Tate sounds exactly Michael Kiske until the refren when he turns into Bruce Dickinson 👀

Goodbye for now and see you in the book review ;)

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