Rant because I 'm in the mood

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Hello my little ducks :)
How have you all been doing?

I 'm fine. A friend of mine from another city will be in my city for four days (including today) because his school organized an excursion here. I m happy because I see that person something like a week per year. And he is a very nice guy (I mean he is a Duck fan OF COURSE he is a very nice guy). Also today I went to an excursion with my dad and it was pretty nice :)

Do you have any news?


Now as you know I 'm a huge fan of animation. So, naturally, I can't stand it when people hate on it. Sadly, there seems to be an idea that "Animated movies are stupid stuff for kids". We are here today to examine why this is simply outrageous.

Animation is a method for creating a cinematic work. Instead of filming what real people -actors and actresses- do, the creators of an animated film or series will draw every single scene so one would see the story unfold before their eyes like real-life motion if they saw the transition from one scene to another really fast. So basically that is the only technical difference between a live-action movie and an animated one. Nothing that has to do with topic or target audience.

There are plenty of great live-action films but aren't there plenty of stupid live-action films as well? Similarly, there are a lot of stupid animated films aimed at kids but there are also ample great ones that can be understood by people from all age groups. Besides, there is adult animation too! I can assure you that Heavy Metal, for instance, is NOT for kids. I watched something like 30 minutes and it had 2 or 3 sex scenes in it. And I believe it could not be more obvious that all those who claim that animation is for children have never watched anime in their life (which I don't blame them for-). Because let me see...
Igano Kabamaru -anime from ducking 1983 and still has a clear reference to sex
My Hero Academia -surprisingly innocent for an anime but there is still the "18+ superhero" and a dirty joke.
Naruto -Well that needs a lists gimme a minute-
1. The protagonist has invented a "magic power" which is literally called "Sexy Jutsu" with wich he can transform into a naked woman (parts of her body are covered with little clouds though)
2. The protagonist's teacher's nickname is "Pervy Sage", he spies on naked women saying he does research for the sequel of his 18+ mature content book called "Make Out In Paradise", spends his free time with prostitutes instead of teaching his student and there was a moment in which he was looking at the sky and was imagining the clouds were naked women.
3. The protagonist's other teacher constantly reads the beforementioned book.

And there's the other series
Beastars -It's literally rated 16+ and includes some sex scenes (though I don't think anything is shown really clearly and also they are anthropomorphic animals but this just makes things worse). And once I put an episode while my mom was there and she was like "Aww my baby is going to watch animation!" . I never told her *laughs evily and hides in Duckburg*

Also I have heard of anime that include so harrowing violence scenes that are rated 18+...

Anyway, my point is the method a movie or series is made with absolutely does not define it's quality or target audience. These two are completely irrelevant.

However, the stereotype that connects the method of animation with "stupid" and "kids" was created for a reason. Stereotypes come from somewhere. The opinion they express usually is true but only for some of the people or things they refer to and not all of them. However, in our case, it is the majority of animated movies that aim at a younger audience. As I analyzed above there are plenty of adult animated films and series too but now we are going to narrow down to only those that can be watched by children or people of all ages.

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