Chapter 29: Advice from the Mind

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Hi all! I just wanted to address two things! 1. Thank you for the support! It makes me smile reading all of your positive comments! Of course, negative comments regarding the story are also welcome! 2. I know, I was planning to post around a week ago, but I decided I wasn't very pleased with the first outcome of this chapter, so I decided to postpone it for a little longer. Really sorry about that!

And again, thank you for all the support. You guys are sometimes too sweet!

-Much love, Yokai

Sonic the Hedgehog woke up to feel a sharp pain erupting from his stomach, along with a sickening headache. Hissing quietly, he closed his eyes, trying to block out the nauseating swirls of colour that spun around him.

He could hear the faint cackling of what he assumed was a fire, and a few hushed voices that Sonic thought sounded familiar. However, his mind could not fully recognize the voices, for his brain was still screaming at him.

Blinking his eyes blearily, he felt his vision sway before finally focusing. Groaning, the blue hedgehog gripped his head in an attempt to comfort his pounding skull.

"Sonic! You're awake!"

He was greeted by six pairs of eyes all staring at him intensely, as if he was the last remaining chilidog from a hotdog stand. Yelping in surprise, Sonic scooted backwards, getting tangled up in a blue blanket he didn't notice he was wrapped in. He was rewarded with a few chuckles, but was soon helped up by Tails, with the kitsune's gaze glimmering with relief.

"Sonic, how do you feel?" The question came off as a soft whisper.

"A... little unstable," the hedgehog admitted, wincing as another wave of agony hit his head. "Like someone hit me with a sledgehammer and shoved Shadow's cooking down my throat." He hoped that that wasn't the case. Although he had never tasted any of Shadow's cooking, the explosion he made in his kitchen wasn't very promising.

I think I'd rather fight Perfect Chaos again, thanks.

"Oh... 'kay then. That was... a little more... descriptive than I thought it'd be." Tails grinned nonetheless. "Where does it hurt?"

"Mainly my head and stomach. My eyes sting a little too. Ugh, what happened to me?"

Amy planted herself next to Sonic, watching him carefully through green eyes. Sonic moved slightly away from her, feeling a strong sense of unease.

That's totally not creepy at all.

"Well, for starters, you let yourself get captured." Sonic snapped his attention to Knuckles, who had spoken up. His red fur was bristling like a wild inferno. "Eggman then tried to drown you, and Meta Knight had to save your sorry a—butt. Just—come on! Why did you offer yourself to him? You had us worried!"

"Knuckles, calm down," Tiff whispered, putting a hand on the echidna's shoulder. He was breathing heavily. "He just woke up, and he's likely in shock. Let's not raise our voices."

Knuckles looked as if he wanted to rebuke, but he snapped his jaws shut and growled something inaudible under his breath. Tiff stared after him apologetically.

Sonic felt himself stiffen as Knuckles' words suck in. The memories came rushing back, to the time when he gave himself up for Kirby and the Master Emerald, to the point where he was drowning in water...

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