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|Sybella Zharkova|
|A month and a half later|
|February 7th 2024|

Ilya groaned as he turned on his side "Malyshka, you need to go to sleep; it's 3 am."

"Our baby is coming to this world today," I stated, placing the ice cream bowl on my bump.

"You can't decide the course of nature," he complained. "Go to sleep."

"Shut up, Ilya! I'm watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and I'm trying to figure out if slut-shamming was a trend or if all these women are just worse than boomers."

"It's both," my husband sat up on his heels with his cock resting on his thighs which made me smile. "Don't look at my cock, you have a funny effect on him and then it gets all fucking excited for you but then we can't fuck–"

"Because I'm pregnant, fucker," I placed the bowl on my nightstand and paused the show since a fight just started. "We are not supposed to have sex the last few weeks of pregnancy and I got you plenty of toys for you to fuck whilst you look at me. You like the sex doll with anal and vaginal tunnel, why don't you bring it?" a grin appeared on my lips.

"I'm not doing that."

My right eyebrow arched "Why?"

"Because I–"

"Baby," I knelt in front of him and gripped his strong shoulders "I'm having our baby today and you have been my support system through all of this. You have been quite tired the last week just trying to keep me from doing everything to keep me comfortable which is magnificent and I'm so grateful for it," my hands moved to his cheeks. "You need to relax and when you cum, that's what you do. Don't you want to–"

"Sybella," he interrupted as his eyes diverted to my side of the bed. "What's that?"

My head turned to my right and the light from the TV let me see the stain on the ivory sheets "I also drank water on my nightstand so it must be that," I looked back at him with a smile "anyway–"

"What if your water broke?" he interrupted me.

"No, that's not it, dummy," Kharon, our beautiful pup, moved from my feet of the bed to lick on the stain which is odd. "Okay, he doesn't usually do that when it's water."

"Lay down," Ilya ordered.

I jumped off the bed and slithered my hand between my thighs to feel the bridge of my panties which is damped "Oh oh," I looked at my husband with a smile. "My water just broke or I peed."

"Fuck! Bubba isn't supposed to be here for another thirteen days!" Ilya jumped off the bed and grabbed his underwear from the bench at the foot of the bed to jump into them.

"Why are you two making so much noise?" Ekaterina walked into the bedroom, tying the sash of her silk robe; she's been staying at our house for the last couple of days since I need her with me for the birth and so does Ilya."

"My water broke," I informed with a grin.

"Oh my God! Haven't you been feeling contractions?" She rushed to me with a big smile.

"I was feeling a bit uncomfortable but only because the baby is always kicking and because I ate too much before coming to bed but no.

After my husband came out of the closet with his clothes on, he informed me that the Doctor was on the way. Ilya picked me up bridal style and had his mother throw a blanket over me before we left the bedroom to go down the hall which was a guest bedroom a couple of weeks ago, until Arabella convinced me to turn it into a sterile room for me to give birth here. There's also surgical equipment just in case it's needed but hopefully, it won't be.

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