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|Sybella Fiori|
|A week later|

A deep sigh left my mouth as I locked the door of my apartment "Where are you going, malyshka?" His voice made me smile.

"Engaged Hazel has a ton of things to do," I turned around to face him; he was only wearing PJ pants, leaving his mouth-watering abs out in the open and they have scratches on them which is odd since last night he didn't let me ride him so there's no reason for scratches to be there.

"Why are you staring at the scratches?" Once my eyes fell back on his face, there was a smirk on his lips.

My right eyebrow arched "I wonder why there are scratches on you since I didn't leave them there and you are mine," a sweet smile appeared on my lips. "Do I have to stab a pair of silicone tits?"

"No, malyshka," he took my hand and pulled me into his apartment before closing the door. "Wait here, sexy," Ilya pecked my lips before rushing away to the bedroom. I stood there for two minutes until he came back walking backwards and looking at me over his shoulder "Are you ready?"

"I don't know what I should be ready for."

"That's the whole point, malyshka," he chuckled.

My cheeks turned a soft shade of pink since he's right "Yeah, I'm ready."

Ilya turned around "Tada!" In his arms he held a Doberman puppy.

A big smile appeared on my lips as I dropped my bag to rush to him and the puppy "What's his name?" My knuckles rubbed the place behind the puppy's ears; he's gorgeous and I know it's a he due to the little penis on his chubby belly.

My boyfriend chuckled softly "I named him Kharon."

"The ferryman of the underworld, obviously. When did you get him?" I stole the puppy from his arms and sat at the custom-made oversized black velvet sofa.

The Russian sat beside me "I got him three days ago but the girl who has the mom wasn't able to come until last night."

At the sound of 'girl' i immediately gazed at him "How old was she?"

"Are you jealous, malyshka?" There was a proud smirk on his lips.

I denied with my head when in reality there was a pit of fire in my stomach "No, I'm not."

"You are such a bad liar when it comes to this," he leaned in until his lips were against mine. "You taste like berries, mia signora."

My right hand pushed him away by his face "I'm not jealous."

A chuckle left his mouth "Yes you are."

Yes I am.

"I don't care what you believe," I leaned back, putting down the puppy on my stomach.

"She was sixteen, malyshka," he told. "Besides, why would I wait almost a decade to have you in my arms and ruin it in the snap of a finger? Does that sound very Ilya Zharkov to you?"

An embarrassment blush rushed up my body "No," my head turned to meet his eyes.

"Good, I don't want to fight because I was thinking we could have dinner together, here," he whispered into my ear as his right arm encircled my waist.

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