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|Sybella Fiori|

"Stop it, Ilya!" I chuckled as he kept on sucking on the flesh of my neck which will leave marks; he has been doing it for fifteen minutes but we have to take our seats since we are descending and will land in no time now.

After finally getting out of his grip and taking a seat, he told me about what he's planning to cook for us tonight which sounds yummy and now that I know he has truly improved his cooking skills, it WILL be delicious.

As soon as we landed Hazel's phone vibrated like crazy and they were all texts from Nicolas but a missed call from Celia amongst them so I pressed on the banner before putting it to my ear "Who are you calling?"

"A friend—"

"Hazel!" Celia exclaimed "where are you?! I've been outside your flat for fifteen minutes and your car is outside. Are you okay?"

A soft smile appeared on my lips; Celia is the only friend I want to keep after this mission is over "I'm so sorry, Celia but I'm not home."

"Then where are you? With your asshole boyfriend?"

I chuckled with my eyes on Ilya "I just landed in Mallorca; Nicolas and I are taking a break but is everything okay? You sound exalted."

"Wait, what happened with Nicolas?"

My eyes watched Ilya as he got up on his feet after unbuckling his seatbelt "He slapped me after accusing me of cheating on him with my new neighbor who was a girlfriend."

Celia gasped "I'm gonna kill him."

"Be my guest," I got up on my feet and picked up my bag from the bed "I have a lot to think about which is why I'm in Spain with a cousin; don't worry about me, I'll be well-taken care of," Ilya's arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well..." she cleared her throat "I met a man an hour ago and he asked me out."

A big smile appeared on my lips; she has been through so much heartbreak in her life she deserves to be happy although being with someone doesn't equal happiness, it does bring a lot of joy into one's life when the other party is...well, like Ilya "What man?! Where?! What's his name?!"

"Santino," she replied and my eyes went wide. "I went to the café I like and it was closed so I went to the one across the street and there he was...in his all Italian glory."

"Did he give you his last name?" my heart commenced racing.

"DiFortuno," Celia sighed romantically.

"He sounds rich," I joked. "I imagine he was a gentleman; you only like good men."

"There are so little of those these days but he was utterly amazing!" It's so odd hearing her like this since she's always so composed and dark and sarcastic.

I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend "I'm so happy for you, Celia."

"I haven't felt this way since Gabriel," she told "you know I don't need anyone but it's nice meeting someone who seems promising. Anyway, I won't take more of your time. Please call me if you need anything, sweetheart; I'll break Nicolas' nose if you want."

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