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|Ilya Zharkov|

After dinner last night, we went back to my bedroom since hers is across from Anna's, close to Slava's and my mom has the hearing of a vampire. I'm not risking it—

"Your mom knows," she told as the plane took off.

A lump formed in the back of my throat "Wha-what?"

"She told me yesterday morning that she knows we are trying to have a relationship," Sybella's cheeks turned slightly pink as a smile played on her lips.

"And are you relieved?" A weak smile curved my lips.

My woman nodded "Of all the people I didn't want to hide it from, she was number one so I'm happy she knows. She supports it, Ilya..." The shade of her cheeks went from pink to red "She says she wants us to get married some day."

It's hard to hide my excitement "Is that so?" I crossed my leg and rubbed my chin. "Well, don't let that scare you, malyshka, we are taking it as slow or fast as you want."

Sybella slowly nodded as her eyes fell to her hands "But wouldn't it be nice?" Her orbs glanced at me between her lashes "If this attempt of a relationship were to end in would be nice but I don't know," she looked out the window and seemed quite nervous. "It was just a thought."

"It's a beautiful thought, Sybella," I unbuckled my seatbelt before getting up on my feet to sit on her armrest. "Malyshka, look at me."

The woman looked at me "Yes, baby?"

My hands cupped her cheeks "We are taking this slow, don't let my mother's comments ruin what we are building. Only us two. This can stay as just sex or we can go the serious way..."

"And what would you like, tesoro?" She leaned her head on my right hand while looking up at me.

A wave of heat rushed up my body; now that's a pet name that can make this big Russian stud, blush "Well, I'm a grown man, Sybella; I know what I want in my life and that is a chance to have a life with you, however, I'm also patient—"

"No you're not," she softly chuckled.

"No, I'm not," I cleared my throat. "Only when it comes to you," I leaned down to peck her lips.

"Everything you're saying is so dreamy and beautiful, Ilya," our eyes locked as our faces were an inch apart. "There are a lot of things I want you to know but I'm not ready," her eyes filled with tears as her voice broke.

A deep frown appeared upon my face "Malyshka, you don't have to tell me anything until you're ready. As I said before, I'm patient," my knuckles caressed her cheek.

Sybella threw her arms around me, pulling me on top of her which I thoroughly enjoyed "You must know that I don't regret stealing from you," she commented, making me chuckle "but I do regret not looking something with you sooner. Would you had taken me?" Her words warmed my heart.

"Yes, malyshka...after that night we spent at the hotel my mind was invaded by your image day and night," my face dipped into the crook of her neck to take in her mild but always-recognizable scent.

|Sybella Fiori|

Disgrace is no stranger to me. Sorrow has held my hand from the moment I was born. Sadness shadows me. Pain polluted the air in my lungs.

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