Season 1 Episode 5

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The Cheesecake Factory

"Alright, I'm moving my infantry division, augmented by a battalion of Orcs from Lord of the Rings, we flank the Tennessee Volunteers, and the North once again wins the Battle of Gettysburg." Sheldon said as I looked at him.

"Not so fast, remember the South still has two infantry divisions, plus Superman and Godzilla." Howard explained. 

"No, no, no, no, Orcs are magic, Superman is vulnerable to magic, not to mention, you already lost Godzilla to the Illinois Cavalry and Hulk." Leo continued,

"Why don't you just have Robert E. Lee charge the line with Shiva and Ganesh." Raj suggested.

"Hi, you guys ready to order?" Penny asked I just shook my head. 

"Hang on, honey. Shiva and Ganesh? The Hindu Gods against the entire Union army?" Howard asked.

"And Orcs!" Leo carried on,

"I'll be back." Penny said. 

"Excuse me, Ganesh is the remover of obstacles, and Shiva is the destroyer. When the smoke clears, Abraham Lincoln will be speaking Hindi and drinking mint juleps." Raj continues.

"Alright, my boss says you either have to order, or leave and never come back." Penny said.

"What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite from a morning of weight training and cardio-funk?" Howard asks.

"A shower." I answered for Penny knowing we were both thinking it. 

"I'll take the heart smart platter." Howard continued.

"Alright, thank you, and Sheldon." Penny said already knowing my usual.

"We don't eat here, I don't know what's good." Sheldon answered.

"Well, it's all good." Penny sighed.

"Statistically unlikely." I said to Sheldon to cheer him up. 

"Just get a hamburger, you like hamburgers." Leo said.

"I like the hamburgers where we usually have hamburgers, you can't make the assumption that I'll like the hamburgers here." Sheldon tried to explain I just sighed and started rubbing my finger on the back of Sheldon's hand to cheer him up.

"I'm sorry. Give him a hamburger." Leo said as Sheldon smiled at me.

"Uh, which one, the Classic Burger, the Ranch House Burger, the Barbecue Burger or the Kobe burger?" Penny explained to us.

"Can't we just go to Big Boy? They only have one burger. The Big Boy." I said looking at Leo.

"The Barbecue Burger is like the Big Boy." Penny stated.

"Excuse me, in a world that already includes the Big Boy, why would I settle for something like a Big Boy?" Sheldon asked.

"Because you are not at Big Boy!" Penny exclamed.

"Fine, I'll have the Barbecue Burger." Sheldon answered. I just smiled up at him.

"Make it two." Leo said ordering what he wanted.

"Waitresses don't yell at you at Big Boy." Sheldon whispered to me.

"(entering) Hey Leonard, hi guys." Lesley said walking in. I always hated her.

"Hey Lesley." Leo said trying to be nice.

"I didn't know you ate here." She started trying to make conversation.

"We don't. This is a disturbing aberration." I said not looking at her.

"Lesley, this is Penny, she lives across the hall from Sheldon Alex and me." Leo explained. 

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