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The apartment Leonard enters, drops his keys in the bowl by the door, then collapses onto the settee, Alex is sat at her desk. Sheldon enters from the bedroom area.

"Good morning, Leonard Alex." Sheldon stated.

"Uh-huh." Leo stated.

"Yeah, we're going to have to stop by Pottery Barn on the way to work, I bought these Star Wars sheets but they turned out to be much too stimulating to be compatible with a good night's sleep. I don't like the way Darth Vader stares at me." Sheldon stated.

"I'm not going to work." Leo tried.

"Oh, just because your career's been stagnant for a few years, that's no reason to give up." Sheldon pointed out.

"Sheldon, I was up all night using the new free-electron laser for my X-ray diffraction experiment." Leo explained.

"Did the laser accidentally burn out your retinas?" Sheldon asked.

"No." Leo answered.

"Then you can drive. Let's go." Sheldon stated.

"Didn't I tell you I'd be working nights, and that you'd have to make other arrangements." Leo stated.

"You did." Sheldon piped up.

"And?" Leo asked.

"I didn't. Let's go." Sheldon answered.

"I did. So I'm fine." Alex answered.

"Goodnight, Sheldon." Leo stated

"But how am I going to get to work?" Sheldon asked.

"Take the bus. Alex could drive you." Leo answered.

"I am not driving him to work." Alex stated grabbing her keys.

"Hey. I'm your boyfriend." Sheldon stated.

"Alright I'll ride with Raj you take the bus." Alex stated.

"I can't take the bus any more. They don't have seatbelts. And they won't let you lash yourself to the seat with bungee cords." Sheldon stated.

"You tried to lash yourself to the seat with bungee cords?" Leo asked.

"I didn't try, I succeeded. For some reason it alarmed the other passengers and I was asked to de-bus." Sheldon stated.

"Oh, you're a big boy, you'll figure it out. Why can't you be more like your girlfriend?" Leo told him.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Now, take me to return my star wars sheets!" Sheldon exclaimed. The group were in the university cafeteria as Sheldon enters.

"Oh, Leonard, there you are, I'm ready to go home." Sheldon stated.

"I just got here." Leo told him.

"Good, perfect timing." Sheldon continued.

"Sheldon, I told you, I only have access to the free-electron laser at night. I can't drive you for the next few weeks." Leo told him.

"No, you said you couldn't drive me to work, this is from work." Sheldon tried.

"Howard, help me out here." Leo stated.

"No, just for the fun of it, I'm gonna take his side." Howard stated.

"Now, how do you propose I get home?" Sheldon asked.

"How did you get here in the first place?" Alex asked him.

"Penny. But I sense that's no longer an option." Sheldon answered.

"Look, I need to get to the laser lab, you're just going to have to find someone else to take you home." Leo stated.

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