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We were sat in the apartment. Leonard is sorting out the Chinese food.

"Let's see, Raj was the Kung Palo Chicken." Leo stated handing Raj his food.

"I'm the dumplings." Penny piped up.

"Yes, you are." Howard answered making Alex look at him.

"I'm questioning a lot right now." Alex stated taking a drink.

"Creepy, Howard." Penny stated.

"Creepy good or creepy bad?" Howard asked Penny.

"Who was the General Tao's chicken?" Leo asked.

"That's me." Alex answered as she grabs the food.

"Who was the Shrimp with Lobster Sauce?" Leo asked again.

"That would be me. Come to Poppa, you un-kosher delight. (To Penny) I'm not necessarily talking to the food." Howard tried.

"Sit over there." Penny stated.

"(entering, to Penny who is in his spot) Sit over there. Baby wipe?" Sheldon asked as Penny moved.

"What do you have...." Penny questioned.

"Don't go there babe." Alex begged.

"Don't! Don't! Don't!" The boys begged.

"I'll tell you why." Sheldon stated.

"O-o-o-oh!" We all complained.

"I had to sanitize my hands because the university replaced the paper towels in the rest rooms with hot air blowers." Sheldon explained.

"He went there." Alex stayed slapping Sheldons arm.

"I thought the blowers were more sanitary?" Penny asked.

"Why? Don't!" The boys stated.

"Why Penny?" Alex asked.

"Hot air blowers are incubators and spewers of bacteria and pestilence. Frankly it would be more hygienic if they just had a plague infested gibbon sneeze my hands dry." Shelton explained.

"(entering excitedly) Hey guys, I just got the most amazing new... (spots Penny) ew-ew-ew." Raj stated.

"Gosh, Raj, do you think you'll ever be able to talk in front of me without being drunk? (Shakes head.) Okay, well, I'll just, um, go eat by myself." Penny said standing up.

"Don't leave me with them." Alex begged slightly.

"Penny, you don't have to do that." Leo tried.

"No, it's okay, between (indicates Raj) him not talking, (indicates Sheldon) him talking and... (indicates Howard) him, I'm better off alone, so, (to Raj) goodbye you poor strange little man." Penny says as she gives him a kiss and exits.

"She's so considerate." Raj stated as she left.

"So what's your news?" I asked the man.

"Remember that little planetary object I spotted beyond the Kuiper belt?" Raj askers

"Oh yeah, two zero zero eight NQ sub seventeen." Leo answered.

"That's a bit weird Raj. Sorry." Alex stated.

"Or as I called it, Planet Bollywood. Anyway, because of my discovery, People magazine is naming me one of their thirty under-30 to watch." Raj explains.

"Well, wow, that's incredible." Me Howard and Leo state.

"Excuse me. Thirty what, under thirty what, to watch what?" Sheldon asked.

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