Chapter 1: The Package

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"I'm out of bullets," In-yeop said wearing his signature deadpan expression as he threw the cigarette from his mouth, sucking one last smoke from it

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"I'm out of bullets," In-yeop said wearing his signature deadpan expression as he threw the cigarette from his mouth, sucking one last smoke from it. He hid from a post as he continuously receives gunshots from their enemy. He removed the magazine from his gun and searched for some bullets from one of his men next to him.

"Boss, I'll be out of bullets soon, too," the fat man whined as he stopped shooting their enemy when their boss started searching his pockets.

"You think I care about that? Give me bullets," he commanded and the fat guy was not able to protest anymore. They know that disobeying their leader won't do good for them. He fished his last magazine from his waist and handed it to his leader. In-yeop immediately placed the magazine in his gun and peeked from the wall, checking how many enemies are left.

"There are still ten motherf***ers left," he said as he shakes the sweat off of his hair using his fingers. "How many bullets do you still have?" He asked his men through his radio earpiece since all of them are scattered.

"I have five bullets left, boss," one of his men answered.

"Not much for me, boss."

"I have two left," his man next to him answered.

"Here's what we'll do," he started giving instructions as they continuously receive gunshots. "Let's stop playing with these children. Cover me as I dance," he said with a smirk on his face.

They all smirked at what their leader said. They have no idea why they are not yet finish bringing their enemies down knowing how good their leader is when it comes to shooting. Maybe it is because he is not in the mood since this morning. So when they heard the excitement in the tone of their leader's voice, they already knew that these bastards will go down in no time.

"Just give up, Hwang! You won't win this battle. You are outnumbered!" The leader of their enemy said and maniacally laughed as he fired his gun in all directions.

"What a lunatic," one of In-yeop's men said and chuckled in irritation.

"We're waiting for your signal, boss," the other one said who is hiding behind metal containers used for shipping goods.

"Let's roll," In-yeop said and all five of them came out from different directions, walking towards their enemies who got startled at their appearance. They all exchanged gunshots and even though In-yeop's crew is outnumbered, every shot he makes kills a person.

Everyone is now down except for their leader who In-yeop made sure not to kill yet. He wants to see the horror in his face before he shoots the guy. So when he came close to the tattoo-covered leader of their enemy, the guy scampered away but was not able to run far away since all of them are now surrounding him.

"You never changed, Dex," In-yeop said as he lit up another cigarette he placed in his mouth.

He walked towards the leader which made the poor tattooed guy stumble on the floor from fear. The guy kept on crawling backward and now he is trapped between the wall and In-yeop. In-yeop bent down and removed the cigarette from his mouth, puffing the smoke in front of the guy's face.

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