Spell went Wrong

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Caroline's POV
       It has been two days, since the ball. Elena seems a bit off. She keeps blowing off everyone. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my red skirt, my black crop top, and my black heels. I went downstairs and made some coffee. Once the coffee was done, I poured it into my travel mug, and walked outside to my car. I got in, and drove to school.

    I parked my car, and went inside to my locker. Bonnie was waiting by my locker. I said, " Hey, Bon."

  She said, " Hey, Care. So, is it still alright to come over to your house to do the spell?"

  I said, " Yeah. Where's Elena?"

    She said, " Not here. She told me she was sick."

  I said, " I don't know. Something feels off about her. I will have to check on her later."

  She nodded, and we went to class.

  After school, I got in my car, and drove to Elena's house. I parked on the street outside of Elena's house. I got out of my car, and went to her front door. I knocked and Jeremy answered.

   I said, " Hey, Jeremy. Is Elena home?"

  He said, " Upstairs in her room."

  I nodded, and he stepped aside had let me in. I walked upstairs to Elena's room. Her door was closed. I knocked and said, " Elena."

    The door opened, and revealed Elena, wearing a robe, and her hair was a mess. I said, " I heard you were sick, I wanted to check on you."

  We walked into her room, and she sat on her bed. She coughed and said, " It's just a little cold. I will get over it."

   I said, " Did you need anything?"

   She said, " No."

  I said, " Are you sure? Maybe an acting lesson?"

  She said, " What do you mean?"

  I said, " Kathrine."

   Her face went to a smirk, and said, " I knew you were the smart one. I wondered which one of yous would figure it out."

   I said, " Well, I know how to pretend to be sick, and you sure as hell weren't acting very good. Now, why are you in Elena's house, pretending to be her?"

  She said, " Thats for me to know, and for you to dot, dot, dot."

   I rolled my eyes, and said, " Where is Elena?"

  She said, " Elena's fine. Just a little tied up at the moment."

    I huffed and my phone buzzed. It was a text from Bonnie.

B- At your house, where are you?

C- Elena's house. I'm on my way to my house, now.

B- Got it.

   I put away my phone, and said, " We aren't done here, Kathrine."

   She said, " Yes, we are."

  I rolled my eyes, and walked out of the house, and got in my car, and drove to my house.

   I parked my car in the driveway, and Bonnie was standing on the porch. I walked over to her, and unlocked the door, and opened it. Bonnie and I walked inside, and I closed the door, behind us.

   We went to the living room, and set everything up. The moon was finally rising, and Bonnie started her spell.

    I suddenly felt a bit dizzy, and then everything went black.

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