Back in Time

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Caroline's POV
         Caroline's POV
         I woke up in a field, with dandelions. There was a slight breeze, and the sun was shining. Where was I? This didn't look like any field in Mystic Falls. I stood up, and noticed I was wearing a tan dress, that definitely was not from my time. I walked towards the woods. As I neared the edge of the other side of the woods, I started hearing voices. I seen it was a village.

   I walked in the village, and seen someone that looked familiar. She had blonde hair, and a brown dress. She turned and I recognized her face, it was Rebekah. She has longer hair, than when I last seen her. This is really weird. Where the hell was I? Or should I say when?

    I can't tell this is definitely not the present time. I just have to figure out, how the hell I got here, and what time am I at.

   Rebekah seen me, and walked to me. She stood in front of me, and smiled. She said, " You're a new face."

  I said, " Yeah. I just arrived here."

  She said, " I'm Rebekah."

  I said, " I'm Caroline."

  She said, " Do you have anywhere to stay?"

   I said, " No. I'm sure I can find somewhere."

  She said, " Nonsense. Come with me."

  I nodded, and followed her through the village. We stopped in front of a medium size hut. We walked around to the back, and in the garden was an older woman, with long blonde hair.

  Rebekah said, " Mother."

   The older woman stood and looked at Rebekah. She smiled, and said, " Rebekah, come and help pick the vegetables."

    Rebekah said, " In a moment, mother. I have someone you should meet. Mother, this is Caroline. She has no where to stay. I wanted to know, if she could stay with us?"

  The woman looked at me, and said, " Hello. Is what Rebekah said true?"

  I said, " Yes. I had only just arrived here, and have no where to stay. If it's a trouble, I can stay somewhere else."

  The woman said, " Nonsense. You can stay with us."

  I smiled and said, " Thank you.."

She said, " Esther."

  I said, " Thank you, Esther. Do you need any help?"

  Esther smiled, and said, " Yes. Rebekah and you can pick some vegetables. While I get the stew started."

  I nodded. Rebekah and I went to the garden, and picked the vegetables.

   A couple hours later, dinner was done. Rebekah, and I helped Esther make the stew. A boy ran over to us, and hugged Rebekah. He has long brown hair, and blue eyes. He seen me, and hid behind Rebekah.

   Rebekah said, " Caroline, this is Henrik. Henrik it's fine, she is staying with us."

  Henrik stood beside Rebekah, and said, " Hello."

  I said, " Hi."

  Henrik smiled. Rebekah seen someone behind me, and smiled. I turned around and there was Elijah, Klaus, and Kol. Each had longer hair.

   Kol said, " Who is this lovely one?"

   Rebekah said, " Kol, this is Caroline. Caroline, these are my brothers, Kol, Elijah and Niklaus. Where's Finn?"

   Elijah said, " Our brother is over with Mother and Father."

   Over by the fire, was Esther, and two other men. One was older, so I would have to guess that's Rebekah's father, and the other must be Finn, their other brother.

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