Star Gazing

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Caroline's POV
It has been three weeks, since Ayana told me she is going to help me. I haven't spoken to her since. Niklaus and I would sneak away, when we finished our chores. We would always go to our spot in the dandelion field, and talk. Niklaus is sweet, and romantic, nothin like present time Klaus. I do wonder what else happened that made Klaus like that. I mean I know Mikael beating him was one reason, but I wonder if there was another.

Anyway, I woke up, and Rebekah wasn't in her cot. I got up, and put on one of the blue dresses, Esther had made for me. I walked out of the room, and went outside of the hut. Rebekah walked up to me with two baskets in her hands.

She handed me one, and said, " Mother wants us to pick some flowers, and berries."

I said, " Got it. I will pick the flowers, and you pick the berries."

She nodded, and we walked into the woods. She went towards the berry bushes. I walked towards the field, and heard voices. One was Niklaus, and the other was familiar. I looked around the tree and seen Niklaus and Tatia kissing.

I let a sob escape my throat, and dropped the basket. I ran into the woods, and heard Niklaus call after me. I ended up by the clearing by the lake, and I sat down in the grass.

I had tears coming down my cheeks. I don't even know why I try to like a guy, they end up being jerks in the end.

Someone said, " Love. Caroline."

Of course, he followed me. I quickly wiped my tears, and he sat beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, " Caroline. Look at me."

I wouldn't look at him. He put his hand on my chin, and made me look at him. He said, " Love, I'm sorry."

I said, " Sorry for what? The fact that you lied to my face, when you told me you broke it off with Tatia, or the fact that you kissed Tatia."

He had a regretful look on his face. I stood up, and turned towards the woods. He grabbed my hand, and said, " Love, I can explain."

I sighed, and sat down beside him. I said, " Fine. Explain."

He said, " I did break it off with Tatia. She followed me to the field, to see if I would get back with her. I told her no, but she kissed me. I know she is in love with Elijah, and she was just toying around with the both of us."

I said, " Niklaus, how do I know this is the truth? Many lie, and break my heart. I don't want that again."

I looked at the grass, and he put his fingers on my chin, and had me look at his face. I locked eyes with him, and he said, " I wouldn't do that to you. You are beautiful, smart, and full of light. I don't want to ruin anything good in you."

He leaned in, and I didn't stop him. Our lips connected, and it felt amazing.

After a few minutes, we pulled away, and caught our breath. He said, " Forgiven?"

I laughed and said, " It will take a lot more than that to be forgiven."

He chuckled and said, " I have something planned for us tonight, after dark. We just have to make sure my parents don't see us."

I said, " Alright. I should get back."

We stood up, and I noticed he had the basket I had dropped. He handed it to me, and said, " See you at dinner, love."

He kissed my cheek, and I walked into the woods, and to the field. I picked flowers, and started walking into the woods. Someone said, " Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

I turned around, and there was Tatia. I said, " Tatia."

She said, " Hello... Caroline. I don't believe we have met, properly."

I said, " No we haven't. But I know you."

Someone said, " Tatia. Caroline."

It was Rebekah, she came and stood beside me. Tatia said, " Rebekah. How are your brothers?"

Rebekah said, " Shut it, Tatia. Caroline, my mother wanted to know where you got to."

Tatia said, " She's staying with your family?"

Rebekah said, " Yes. She is. Now, we must go."

Rebekah, and I turned and walked into the village. We went to the hut, and helped Esther make dinner.

Klaus's POV
It has been three weeks, and nothing! I'm going to kill those bloody Bennett witches. I finished my drink, and Elijah walked into my office. He said, " I think we may have a lead."

I said, " You have been saying that for three BLOODY weeks!!"

Elijah said, " This may be the one we need."

I said, " What else is there, Elijah?"

Elijah said, " We can send another message to Ayana. Apparently the spell can't be used to bring Caroline back. A witch on her end, needs to perform the spell to bring her back."

I said, " Then have those witches send the spell and a message to Ayana. Get to it!"

Elijah nodded and left my office. I poured myself another glass of bourbon, and took a sip.

Caroline's POV
It is dark out, and everyone is asleep. I grabbed a cloak, and put it on. I quietly left Rebekah's and mine room. I walked outside of the hut, and Niklaus was right there outside of the hut. He kissed my lips, and said, " Ready?"

I said, " Yes."

Someone said, " Where are you two going out this late?"

We pulled apart, and there stood Kol. Kol had a smirk on his face, and said, " I'm guessing mother and Father doesn't know about this little scandal."

Niklaus said, " Kol, don't tell them."

Kol said, " I won't on one condition."

I said, " What's that?"

Kol said, " I need Caroline's help tomorrow."

I said, " Alright. You got it, just don't tell anyone."

Kol nodded, and went inside the hut. Niklaus and I walked into the woods, and to the dandelion field. We laid down, and gazed at the stars. We talked, and gazed at the stars.

After like an hour, Niklaus had kissed my lips, and things had gotten heated. We soon spent the night there in the field.

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