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Caroline's POV
It has been two weeks, and Klaus and I have completed the bond between us. I couldn't feel closer to him. We have moved to New Orleans, a week ago. Stefan, and Bonnie are the only ones that accepted everything. Damon, and Elena won't.

Everything is great. Anyway, I woke up, and Klaus wasn't in bed. I got out of bed, and put on my green skirt, with my white lace crop top, and my black heels. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag, and drank it. I heard someone walking in the courtyard, and I flashed there. There was a handsome, dark skinned man, standing there.

I said, " Who are you?"

He said, " Who are you?"

I said, " I'm Caroline."

He said, " Oh. You're Klaus's Caroline. I'm Marcel."

I said, " How do you know Klaus?"

He said, " I knew them from when I was 9 years old. He basically raised me, and he turned me. Rebekah and I ended up falling in love, and have been together since."

I said, " Funny. Rebekah never mentioned you."

He laughed and said, " Really? Well, Rebekah mentioned you."

I said, " What did she tell you?"

He said, " That Klaus is obsessed with you, your an Original vampire, and you're full of light."

I said, " Okay. Well, Rebekah is somewhere, around here."

He said, " I actually came to see Klaus."

I said, " Let me go get him."

I sped upstairs to Klaus's office, and walked inside. He was at his desk, on the phone with someone. He hung up, and smiled at me. He said, " Love. What are you doing in here?"

I said, " You weren't in bed, when I woke up."

He said, " Sorry, my love. I had some meetings to attend."

I said, " There's a Marcel downstairs looking for you."

He said, " Oh, yes. I'll let him stew a little bit. Come here."

I walked around his desk, and he pulled me to sit on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and said, " Don't you have important things to do?"

He said, " I can make time for you."

He leaned in and kissed my lips.

Someone said, " Nik!"

We pulled apart and there stood Rebekah. She had her arms crossed over her chest.

She said, " Marcel is downstairs waiting for you."

Klaus said, " I know."

Rebekah said, " Why do you insist on torturing him?"

Klaus said, " He wants to be with my little sister. I have the right to make sure he is the right guy."

I said, " From what I spoke to him, he seemed genuinely sweet."

Rebekah smiled and said, " Thank you, Care. Nik get downstairs. Caroline and I are going shopping, anyway, and I have someone for you to meet."

I said, " Who would that be?"

She said, " Come downstairs and find out."

I got of Klaus's lap, and walked downstairs with Rebekah, Klaus is following us. We made it to the courtyard. I seen Marcel, Kol, and a girl with long brown hair. Kol seems to be trying to get her to go out with him.

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