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Caroline's POV
It has been a week, and I haven't really left my home. I haven't seen Niklaus, or anyone since I had that dream. My wrist got better, but I just don't know what to make of it. I have been trying to figure out why I had a bruise.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my red dress. I grabbed a basket, and opened the front door. There was Henrik.

I said, " Henrik, what are you doing here?"

He said, " I wanted to see you."

I said, " I was just about to go pick some berries for dinner. Want to come?"

He said, " Yeah."

We walked into the woods, and Henrik said, " Are you mad at me?"

I said, " What do you mean?"

He said, " We haven't seen you."

I said, " Its nothing. I just needed some time alone."

He nodded, and helped pick berries. After a while, we stood in the kitchen, and started cooking dinner. Once the dinner was done, someone knocked on the door. I walked over, and opened it. It was Rebekah.

She looked concerned, and said, " Have you seen Henrik?"

Henrik came and stood beside me. Rebekah let out a breath, and said, " Henrik! We have been looking all over the village for you."

I looked at Henrik and said, " You didn't tell anyone where you were?"

Henrik looked down, and said, " No."

Rebekah said, " Henrik, let's go. Stop bugging Caroline."

I said, " He isn't bugging me. It's fine. You both can stay for dinner, if you like?"

Rebekah said, " Mother is expecting me to come back with Henrik for dinner. Maybe another time?"

I said, " Alright. Bye."

Henrik hugged me, and left with Rebekah. I closed the door, and ate my dinner. When I finished eating, I changed into my night gown. Then, someone knocked on the door. I went and opened the door. There was Niklaus.

I said, " Niklaus. What are you doing here?"

I stepped aside, and let him in. He said, " I came to see you. Did I do something, cause I haven't seen you at all?"

I grabbed his hand, and said, " Niklaus, you didn't do anything. I just needed some time alone. I'm over it, now."

He said, " Are you sure?"

I said, " Yes."

I leaned in, and pecked his lips. We walked to my room, and laid down. He put his arm around my waist. I soon fell into a deep slumber.

Klaus's POV
I was standing in the dungeon, torturing Tyler. Elijah came down and said, " Niklaus, can't you just kill him?"

I said, " Why would I give him such the pleasure of not being tortured? He deserves to be tortured for months, or years."

Elijah said, " Niklaus, get upstairs."

I sighed, and snapped Tyler's neck. I walked upstairs with Elijah. Gloria was waiting in the parlor, and I said, " Well, did you find it out?"

Gloria said, " I will put this in two words. You're mates."

I said, " What? I can't have a mate."

Gloria said, " You're part werewolf, and you can have a mate even if she is human. You keep having visions of her because you're wolf side, is dreading being away from her. You need to make the mate bond permanent, or she could die."

I said, " What? How could she die? The bond starts once we get close, and starts being intimate. Caroline and I never have been close, or been intimate."

Gloria said, " You did say she is in the past. Maybe something happened back then, and you aren't going to know, till she comes back to the present."

I sighed, and left the parlor, and went to the ballroom, and let Damon go. He left, and I went and poured myself a bourbon.

Elijah came in, and said, " Niklaus, did you want to talk about it?"

I said, " Whats there to talk about?"

Elijah said, " The fact that you have a mate. Someone that will stay with you forever. You did say you were drawn to her. This could be the reason, why."

I said, " So, what everything I feel for her is because of some stupid bond?!"

Elijah said, " No, Niklaus. The bond first appears when both have feelings for each other."

I drank my bourbon, and poured another glass.

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