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Caroline's POV
It has been a week, since I am back. Everything is great. I mastered bloodlust. I haven't really went anywhere outside of the property. I haven't told my friends, I am back. I know, I should, but I just don't know how they will react. Klaus and I are happy.

Anyway, I woke up, and Klaus wasn't in his room. I have been sleeping in his room, and Rebekah had lent me some of her clothes, that she doesn't wear, as much. I put on the purple dress, and the purple heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag and drank it.

Someone knocked on the front door, and I went over and opened it. There was Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, and Damon. They each had a look of shock on their faces, upon seeing me. Damon said, " Blondie, what are you doing here?"

Elena said, " How are you here?"

Bonnie said, " Care. It's good seeing you again. I thought you were gone for good."

She hugged me, and I said, " It's good seeing you all, again. I missed yous. Please, come in, and there's a lot we need to talk about."

Klaus came downstairs and said, " I didn't know we had visitors."

I said, " Neither did I. They just came over."

Stefan said, " We wanted to ask if there was any news on getting Care back, but it seems she's already back."

I said, " Go sit in the living room, I'll be right in."

Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, and Damon went to sit in the living room. Klaus said, " I'm sorry, love. I didn't know they would be over. I know you didn't want to tell them, you were back."

I said, " It's fine. I knew I couldn't avoid them forever. It's best if I tell them everything. I just don't know how they will react with us, being together."

He said, " I know, love. If they truly want to be your friend, then they should accept anything, that you tell them."

I smiled, and said, " What did I do to deserve a boyfriend like you?"

He said, " Boyfriend?"

I said, " Yeah. What do you want me to call you?"

He smirked and said, " Lover, confidante, suitor."

I playfully slapped his arm, and said, " Haha. Funny. I should go talk with them."

He said, " Alright, love."

He kissed my cheek, and walked back upstairs. I took a deep breath, and went into the living room. I sat down, and Elena said, " How long have you been back?"

I said, " I've been back for a week."

Elena said, " You've been back for a week, and didn't tell anyone! Why"

Stefan said, " Who turned you?"

I said, " How did you know?"

Damon said, " We can sense you are different, plus the lapis lazuli ring on your finger."

Bonnie said, " Who made the daylight ring for you?"

I said, " One question at a time. I was turned by Esther, Klaus's mother, when I went back in time. She used me to test the spell, she used. Then, she turned the rest of the Mikaelsons soon after me. A witch was here, when I came back, and she made it for me, with Klaus's, and Elijahs persuasion."

Elena said, " Why didn't you tell anyone?"

I said, " I didn't know how you all would react to everything."

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