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Caroline's POV
        I woke up, and my had was on Niklaus's shoulder. I lifted my head, and seen Niklaus was awake. I said, " Sorry."

  He said, " Nonsense. You are beautiful, when you sleep."

  I blushed and Rebekah said, " Brother. Caroline. We have to get ready for the day."

We nodded, and stood up. Esther, Mikael, Henrik, Finn, and Elijah already headed back to the hut. So, it was just Kol, Niklaus, Rebekah and I. We walked out of the cave and into the woods, towards the village.

    Kol said, " Caroline, what are you and Rebekah doing today?"

  I said, " I don't know. Esther usually tells us what we need to do for dinner."

  Rebekah said, " Mother wants us to pick more berries, and pick some fruits, and vegetables in the garden."

  I said, " I can pick the berries, and you can do the fruits and vegetables."

  Rebekah nodded, and we walked into the hut. Rebekah and I changed our dresses, and went to do our chores. I grabbed a basket, and walked into the woods to pick some berries.

   As I was picking berries, I heard a twig snap, and I turned around. There was a woman with long black hair, standing there. She said, " Caroline?"

  I said, " Yes. Do I know you?"

  She said, " No, dear. I know you."

   I said, " How?"

  She said, " Your friends are trying to get you back to present time. Oh, I am Ayana."

  I said, " Okay. How do you know I am not from this time period?"

  She said, " Your friends, one of them is from my bloodline. She had sent a message to me. She wanted me to help you find a way back to your time, which is a thousand years into the future."

  I said, " Yeah. How would you help?"

  She said, " I'm a witch, dear. I can help you. It's going to take some time. I need to gather power, which can take a while."

  I said, " How long?"

  She said, " A few months, at the least."

  I sighed and said, " Alright. Anything else?"

  She said, " No. I will come to you, when I have gathered enough power."

  I nodded, and she walked into the woods. I finished picking berries, and I heard another twig snap behind me. I turned around, and it was Niklaus.

  I said, " You scared me."

  He said, " Sorry, love."

   I said, " It's fine. Aren't you and Elijah getting wood?"

  He said, " We are. He is. I came to see you."

  I blushed and said, " Well, you seen me. So go back to getting wood, before Mikael finds out, you aren't doing your chores."

   He said, " He won't find out. Don't worry. Let me walk you to the village."

  I said, " Alright."

   We started walking back to the village. We arrived back in the village, and walked towards the hut. Mikael appeared and said, " What are you doing, boy?"

    Niklaus said, " Sorry, father."

   Mikael grabbed Niklaus by the hair, and dragged him into the woods. Mikael is a complete ass. I sighed, and walked into the hut. I gave Esther the berries, and helped her finish dinner, with Rebekah.

    Klaus's POV
       I am looking over the city of New Orleans. I am waiting for Kol, and Elijah to return from Paris with another Bennett Witch. I heard some footsteps coming from the courtyard, and I sped to the courtyard. There was Kol, Elijah, and the Witch.

    The witch said, " Who are you?"

  I said, " I'm Klaus."

  She said, " You're the hybrid."

  I said, " You've heard of me. Fantastic."

  She said, " What do you want with me?"

  Kol said, " How did you do the spell that brought you back in the present?"

   She said, " What do you mean?"

   Elijah said, " You traveled back in time. I briefly remember meeting you back in the 1800s."

  She said, " I never went back in time."

  I said, " Thats a lie."

   Kol said, " Witches can slow the aging process, but it doesn't last for 200 years. Now, how did you get back to the present?"

  She said, " It's a difficult spell, and I almost died."

  I said, " I don't care! Tell us the spell or you will face something worse than death."

  She said, " I can tell you it. But i need to know something. How far back did the person go?"

  I said, " Why does it matter?"

    Elijah said, " A thousand years."

  The witch said, " I see. Was this person a witch, Wolf, or Vampire?"

   I said, " No. She is human."

    The witch said, " Then she can't be brought back here. Only supernatural creatures are able to travel forward in time."

  I said, " Bloody Hell!"

   Elijah said, " Is there any chance the spell could work for a human?"

  She said, " There may be a chance. It's been done once, but the human had died when they got back to their time. I doubt she will live."

    I said, " I don't care! We will take the chance! Bring her to the other Bennett, and they can work on the spell!"

  The witch said, " I need a bunch of ingredients."

  I said, " Kol get her what she needs!"

   Kol, and the witch walked to the one room downstairs. Elijah said, " Niklaus! You need to calm down."

   I said, " I don't need to bloody calm down!"

   Elijah said, " We will get Miss. Forbes back. Don't worry."

  I said, " Shut up, Elijah! I'm done with this trying to keep me from losing my temper! I've already lost my patience with those witches! Just get what that witch needs, and do what the spell is."

   I walked out of the compound, and went to the bar. I sat down at the bar, and got a bourbon. Stefan sat down next to me, and said, " I thought you would be sulking."

  I said, " Sulking isn't really my thing. Just wait till I lose my temper."

    Stefan said, " You care for her."

  I said, " I don't care for anyone who isn't family."

    Stefan said, " Stop lying. I've seen the way you've been acting these last few weeks. You've killed 3 witches because they came up with nothing. Admit it. You care for Caroline."

I said, " I don't care for anyone."

  I downed my drink, and stood up. Stefan said, " Stop lying to yourself."

    I flashed out of the bar, and went to drain someone.

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