Sitting by a lake

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Caroline's POV
       I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I got out of bed, and walked to the door. I opened it and there was Niklaus with a bloodied face, and it looks like someone ran a whip across his torso.

He collapsed into my arms, and I helped him walk to my room. He laid down on the bed. It hurts me to see him this way.

   Someone else knocked on the door, and I went to the door and opened. It there was Kol with a wooden bowl in his hand.

I said, " What's that?"

  He said, " It's a little healing mix. I seen what father did to Niklaus. He's going to need this. Just spread it on the wounds, and let him rest."

   I said, " Thanks."

  I took the bowl from his hand, and said, " You staying or going?"

  He said, " I gotta go. Father is going to wonder where I am."

  I nodded, and he left. I closed the door, and walked to my room, where Niklaus is trying to get up. I went over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, and said, " Niklaus, no. You need to rest."

   He groaned, and laid down. I put the bowl on the table beside my bed. I said, " I'm sorry, this happened."

   He said, " It's not your fault, love."

     I helped him take off his shirt, and I started to spread the paste on his wounds. When I was done, I said, " I will leave you to rest."

  He nodded, and I walked out of my room. I walked out of the hut, and down towards the lake. I sat down on the grass, and started to enjoy the sun. I leaned back on my hands, and closed my eyes.

  It's like I was being pulled into a dream.

   I was standing in that big house from my other dream, of New Orleans. I heard people arguing, and I walked towards the voices. It was coming from one of the rooms.

   The door was cracked open, and I peeked through. It was Klaus, and Elijah. I went into the room, and Klaus had stopped arguing, and slowly turned around, and faced me. It was like he seen a ghost.

   I said, " Klaus."

   He said, " Caroline. How are you here?"

   I was about to answer, when I had woken up. I opened my eyes, and sat up. I was still by the lake. Someone said, " Caroline."

  I turned and it was Niklaus. He looked a lot better. He still had some dry blood on his face, neck, and chest. His shirt was open slightly, so I could see his chest.

    He sat down beside me on the grass, and put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned against him. I said, " How are you feeling?"

  He said, " Better, now."

  I said, " It hurt me to see you like that. Why does your father beat his own son?"

   He said, " I have no idea. He just hates me more than my other siblings. It's better if my siblings don't interfere, when he is like that."

  I said, " Why not?"

   He said, " The one time Elijah tried to stop him, but Elijah got beat along with me. I try not to have my siblings interfere."

  I said, " Well, someone should do something."

     He said, " Love, don't. I don't want you to get hurt. I care too much for you."

  I looked at him and said, " I care about you, Niklaus. It hurt me to see you like that."

   I looked at him, and he said, " Caroline, I'm fine. Thanks to Kol making his healing mixture, again."

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