Queen of New Orleans

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Caroline's POV
    It has been a year, and everything is perfect. Nik had told me a year ago, that he is the king of New Orleans, and that's why he has been so busy. He has been really busy lately, even more than usual. Davina and Kol are together. Kat and Elijah are together, same with Bekah and Marcel.

   Anyway, I woke up, and Nik isn't in bed. I got out of bed, and put Nik's shirt on that is laying on the floor, to cover me. I walked out of our room, and went into Nik's office. He is sleeping at his desk. I walked over, and put my hand on his back. He woke up, and the feel of my touch. He looked at me, with a sleepily look.

  I said, " How about you come to bed?"

  He said, " I'm fine, love."

  I said, " Nik, I've barely seen you. You either need to tell me what's been keeping you so busy, or you need to get some sleep in our bed."

   He pulled me to sit on his lap, and said, " My love, it's nothing you need to worry about."

  I played with the hair on the back of his neck, and said, " I do need to worry about it, because you are making me be worried."

   He sighed, and said, " Alright, love. It's the wolves, vampires, and witches. They keep trying to push me to step down from being king. They want someone else in charge of the city."

  I said, " They can't do that. Your family built this city, and deserve your place."

  He said, " I know, love. I've been thinking. How about you become my queen? That way the factions can stop trying to push me to step down."

   I said, " Nik. I don't know anything about keeping charge of a city."

  He said, " Love, you helped with the witches a couple months ago. You convinced them that Davina is the rightful leader of the witches."

I said, " It took a month for them to agree to it."

He said, " Davina is trying to get the witches to back off from pushing me to step down. I don't think she can get them to stop. So. Will you be queen of New Orleans, and rule by my side?"

   I looked into his deep ocean blue eyes, and said, " Alright."

  He smiled, and said, " That's great. The party will be tonight."

  I said, " We can't get a party done in a few hours."

  He said, " I'm sure. Rebekah, Katerina, Davina, and you can figure it out."

  I said, " You're right."

  I kissed his lips, and said, " Well, I should get ready for the day."

  He said, " No, you're not. We still have an hour or two before everyone gets up."

   He smirked, and kissed my lips. He soon picked me up, and sat me on his desk. Things that were on his desk, fell to the floor, and things got heated.

  Two hours later, we both had gotten dressed. I put on Nik's shirt, that I was wearing, and Nik put on his pants, and his Henley shirt. I said, " I have to go get dressed."

  He kissed my cheek, and I walked out of his office, and into our room. I put on my jeans, my blue crop top, and my black heels. I walked out of the room, and downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag, and drank it.

  Bekah, Kat, and Davina came into the Kitchen. Kat said, " Could you and Klaus be a little more quieter?!"

  I said, " I didn't realize anyone was up."

   Bekah said, " Oh, no one was up, until you and my brother started. I'm seriously thinking about moving to the plantation house."

   Davina said, " Take me with you."

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