Getting Closer

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Caroline's POV
         It has been two weeks, since I showed up here in the past. I have no idea how to get back. I haven't heard of a witch here in this village. Rebekah and I have gotten close, and are friends. Kol, Henrik, Niklaus, and Elijah are my friends, too. I never knew The Originals were like this when they were human. I never knew they had a little brother. Present Klaus is something different to the human Klaus. The human Klaus is kinder, and is actually kind of sweet. Present Klaus is like that but it sort of seems like he doesn't have much humanity in him. Either way, for some reason, I keep being pulled to him, I mean it's not like I like him or anything.

    I should try and find a witch, but for some reason it's kind of nice to know the Originals backstory, when they were human. Anyway, I woke up, and put on one of Rebekah's blue dresses, that she had let me borrow. I walked out of the room, and to the bigger room of the hut.

    Esther said, " Caroline. Could you help Rebekah pick some berries?"

   I said, " Sure."

   Rebekah grabbed two baskets and handed one to me. We walked out of the hut, and into the woods, to pick some berries.

    We picked half a basket of berries, each, and started walking back to the hut. I said, " Rebekah, How come we have to go into the caves tonight?"

   Rebekah said, " It's a full moon. The wolves are going to be out tonight."

  I nodded. Rebekah said, " I noticed Niklaus looking at you, as we were walking into the woods, earlier."

   I said, " He was probably looking at something else."

  She said, " Nonsense. I seen the looks between you both."

   I blushed. Rebekah seen, and said, " You like him?"

  I said, " No."

  Rebekah said, " Whatever, you say."

   We made it back to the village, and I seen Niklaus talking with someone that looks like Elena, and Kathrine.

   I said, " Who's talking with Niklaus?"

  Rebekah looked and said, " That's Tatia."

   I said, " Tatia? I never seen her around here, before."

  Rebekah said, " She just got back from a long journey. She has Elijah, and Niklaus wrapped around her finger."

  I nodded, and we walked into the hut, and helped Esther make dinner.

    Everyone but Niklaus was at the table for dinner. Esther said, " Wheres Niklaus?"

  Elijah said, " He told me he had some more firewood to cut. He will be back."

  Esther nodded, and we ate dinner.

  I helped Rebekah and Esther clean up, after dinner. It was getting dark, and the full moon will be up soon. We were walking towards the caves, and Rebekah and I were walking a little behind everyone.

  I said, " Why isn't Niklaus back yet?"

She said, " He knows to meet us at the caves."

  I said, " Well, I'm going to look for him."

  She said, " Caroline, don't."

  I said, " I'm going to look for him. You can come with, if you want."

   I walked in another direction in the woods. I looked all over, and couldn't find him. I was walking towards the dandelion field, I woke up in, two weeks ago. I seen Niklaus sitting in the field.

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