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Caroline's POV
       It has been two weeks, and everything is great. I get to go back to my time, by the time three more moons pass. Niklaus and I have been spending almost everyday together. Rebekah, Henrik, Kol, and Elijah come over, and we talk. I woke up, and put on my tan dress.

    Someone knocked on the door, and I walked to the front door, and opened it. There was Rebekah, and Henrik. Henrik hugged me, and said, " I missed you, Caroline."

  I laughed and said, " Henrik, I just seen you yesterday."

Henrik said, " Yes, that's too long."

  We laughed. Rebekah said, " How about we take a walk?"

  I looked at Henrik, and said, " Henrik, do you want to take a walk?"

  Henrik smiled, and walked down the pathway. Rebekah and I followed behind him. We walked around the lake, and talked.

  Henrik said, " Caroline, are you going to be my sister?"

   Rebekah said, " Henrik!"
   I laughed and said, " What do you mean?"

   Henrik said, " My brother fancies you. One day, will you be my sister?"

  I said, " I don't know, Hen. Don't think too far ahead."

  Rebekah said, " Too late. He already planned, what your wedding would look like."

  We laughed, and continued walking. We soon went back to my home, and Henrik, and Rebekah left to their home. I made dinner, and ate.

    I changed into my night gown, and someone knocked on the door. I walked over, and opened it. There was Niklaus. I said, " What are you doing here this late?"

  He said, " I wanted to see you. I'm sorry, I haven't been over in a couple days."

  I said, " It's fine. You are here now."

  He pecked my lips. I grabbed his hand, and we walked to my room. Niklaus said, " I wanted to tell you something, Caroline."

  I said, " What is it?"

  He said, " I love you."

  I said, " Niklaus, we've only known each other for a short time."

  He said, " I know, and I never felt this way about anyone. You are special, and beautiful."

   I said, " I love you, Niklaus."

  I kissed his lips. We soon laid down, and went to sleep. I was being pulled into one of those dream things.

    I am standing in the Mikaelson mansion in Mystic falls. I heard talking in the ballroom, and walked there. There was Damon chained to the ceiling, and his shirt open, and blood everywhere. Klaus was standing there with a large serrated knife.

   He said, " Now, Damon where's the witch?"

    Damon coughed, and said, " Go to hell."

    Klaus stabbed him, and asked again about a witch. Damon wouldn't answer. I walked over, and put my hand on Klaus's arm, as he was raising it to stab Damon again.

  He looked at me, and dropped the knife to the ground. He said, " Caroline. What? How are you here?"

   Damon said, " Blondie isn't here."

   Klaus snapped Damon's neck. I said, " I don't know, how I am here. Why are you torturing Damon?"

   Klaus said, " He knows where a witch is, that may let us get you back."

  Klaus's face changed into his hybrid face, and harshly grabbed my wrist. I struggled, against his strength. He said, " What have you done to Caroline? Why are you doing this witch?"

  I said, " Klaus, i am Caroline."

     Klaus snarled.

I suddenly woke up, and sat up. My wrist was hurting. I rolled up my sleeve, and there was a bruise on my wrist, where Klaus was holding it. How is that possible?

   I felt a hand on my back, and I put my sleeve down to cover my wrist. Niklaus said, " Are you alright, love?"

  I said, " I'm fine. I think you should go."

  He said, " Why?"

  I said, " I just don't feel to well."

  Niklaus kissed my cheek, and said, " Alright, love. I will check on you in the morning."

  I nodded, and Niklaus left my home. I sighed, and held my wrist, where it was hurting. If it was a dream, why do I have a bruise?

  Klaus's POV
      The person impersonating Caroline was just here, then she just disappeared. It did seem like Caroline, but why was I the only one that is able to see her. I need to find that damn witch.

  Damon had woken up, and I grabbed him by the throat and said, " Wheres the witch?"

  Damon spit in my face, and laughed. He said, " Why should I tell you?"

  I said, " You might want to answer, or I will make you die a slow and painful death."

   Damon laughed. I bit into Damon's neck, giving him my bite. He will definitely die a painful death. Marcellus came into the ballroom, and said, " We found the witch."

  I said, " Where the BLOODY HELL IS SHE?"

   Marcel said, " She's in the parlor."

  I sped to the parlor, and there was the witch. She was an old friend of mine, Gloria. We had met in the 20s, when Stefan was the ripper, in Chicago.

   Gloria said, " Klaus. Why do you want me here?"

  I said, " I need to know why I am getting these hallucinations of someone."

   Gloria said, " I have to read some spells, and see what it is. I want one thing from you first."

  I said, " What?"

  Gloria said, " I want an apology."

  I laughed and said, " An apology? What did I do?"

  She crossed her arms and said, " You fed and killed my daughter."

  I said, " Oh, yes. I forgot about your daughter."

  Gloria said, " I want an apology or I won't help you with your hallucinations."

  I sighed and said, " Fine. I'm sorry for killing your daughter. She was quite tasty."

   Suddenly, I was having an aneurism. I groaned in pain, and knelt down to the ground. After a few minutes, it went away. Gloria said, " That damn smart mouth of yours is going to get you killed."

  I stood up and said, " Luckily, I'm immortal and can't die. Now will you help?"

   She sighed and said, " Fine. It might take a while. Let me know, each time you have a hallucination."

  I nodded, and she left the room. I sighed, and went to the dungeon to torture Tyler. I haven't decided to kill him yet.

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