Original Vampires

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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and I felt my shirt, and it was soaked in blood. Mikael was in my home, and had a girl and cut her wrist, and said, " You need to drink it."

He shoved the girls wrist at my mouth, and I drank her blood. I soon felt fangs and but into her wrist. I drained the girl of her blood.

The door to my home opened, and the sun was burning my skin, and I flashed towards the wall, in the shade. I'm an Original Vampire, seriously?!

Ayana said, " What have you done?"

Mikael said, " What you were too scared to do. It needed to be done. Now my children will be the strongest, and most feared over the wolves."

Ayana said, " Get out, Mikael!"

Mikael left. Ayana closed the door, and closed the window, so the sun doesn't come in. I stood up, and said, " Ayana."

Ayana said, " You poor child. Let's get you home."

I nodded, and she said, " I am going to need to get some herbs, and be back by nightfall. For now, you cannot leave this house."

I said, " Alright."

She left, and I heard her footsteps as she walked away. I am still thirsty, but I can't leave because of the sun. I decided to keep busy and clean around the house.

It was nightfall, and Ayana came back to the house. She mixed the herbs, and said, " I need you to drink this."

I nodded, and drank the mixture. I said, " What next?"

She started chanting. I felt a pain in my head, and blacked out.

I had woken up in my home in Mystic Falls. It is night time, so I am able to leave the house. I realized I am in my tank top, and shorts. I walked out of the house, and got into my car, and drove into town. My hunger reemerged, and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I found a woman jogging on the side of the road, and I pulled over.

I got out of my car, and walked in front of her, and she stopped running. I bit into her neck, and she screamed. I lost control, and killed her. I can't believe I killed someone. I had tears coming down my cheeks, and I took a deep breath and got in my car.

For some reason, I drove to the Mikaelsons Mansion. I drove up the long driveway, and parked my car. I wiped my tears, and got out of my car, and walked up the steps, onto the porch. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened and revealed Klaus. He has a shocked expression on his face, and he looks tired. I hugged him. I cried into his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around me.

After a while, I let go of him, and said, " I'm sorry."

He said, " Why are you crying, love?"

I said, " I killed two people. I didn't mean to kill them, I just lost control. One was in the past, and one was ten minutes ago. I'm just so hungry. I'm a monster."

He said, " Love, you are not a monster. You need to breathe, through the urges."

I felt my fangs coming out, and I took a few deep breaths. I soon felt the urges pass. Klaus said, " I'm sure you're tired. Come. You can stay here tonight."

I said, " Thank you."

He smiled, and led me upstairs to a room. I laid down on the bed, and he went to leave the room, and I grabbed his hand. He looked at me, and I said, " Stay, Please?"

He said, " Anything for you, love."

He laid down behind me, and I cuddled up to him. I soon fell into a deep slumber.

Klaus's POV
She fell asleep. I brushed my fingers through her hair, and kissed her head. I remembered everything the moment I looked at her, when she was at the door. I fell in love with her. I was upset the moment she suddenly disappeared into thin air, after I had turned. My mother told me she left, after I finished my transition. I soon fell into a deep slumber.

Niklaus's POV
Last thing I remember was father stabbing his sword into Rebekah's, Elijahs, Kols, and Finns hearts. Then he came for me. I tried to get away, but he caught me, and everything went black. I woke up, and gasped for air.

I seen Rebekah on the ground, and I hurried over to her, and said, " Rebekah! Sister!"

She opened her eyes, and gasped for air, and sat up. Our father came into the hut, and brought a village girl with, and cut her arm. He forced Rebekah, and I to drink her blood. I felt fangs coming out, when I drank the girls blood.

Father took the girl and walked out of the house. Everything felt different. The fire that lit up the room, felt hotter. I could hear everything, and I felt hungry.

The next morning, we couldn't leave the house because of the sun burning our skin. Mother made us rings, so we could walk in the sun.

Rebekah and I were in the house. A thought had crossed my mind was Caroline.

I stood up, and said, " I'm going to check on Caroline."

Rebekah nodded. I walked out of the house, and went to Caroline's hut. The door was open, and there was blood on the blood, and splattered on the wall. I looked all over the home, and nothing. She isn't here. I walked around the village, and couldn't see her. I went into my home, and all of my siblings were there.

Rebekah said, " Where's Caroline?"

I said, " She isn't anywhere. Her home has blood everywhere, and I can't find her."

Elijah said, " Niklaus, I'm sure she will turn up."

Mother came in and said, " Caroline left. She left the village."

I said, " She wouldn't do that!"

I went over and held my mother by her neck. I said, " What happened to her?"

Finn said, " Niklaus, let our mother go."

I said, " She's hiding something. She made us these creatures."

I snapped our mother's neck, and her body fell lifeless to the ground. Rebekah said, " How could you kill our mother, Niklaus?"

I didn't answer. I walked out of the house, and fed on some villager, and killed them. I felt my stomach hurt, and I fell to the ground, on all fours. I snapped my head up, and soon the pain stopped. Kol was standing in front of me, and he said, " Niklaus, your eyes."

I stood up, and said, " What about them?"

Kol said, " They turned yellow."

I was confused.

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