Klaroline Wedding

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Caroline's POV
It has been three years, and everything is perfect. Nik had proposed to me a year ago. Davina and Kol are happy together, and are married. Marcel and Rebekah are also married. Davina had also turned into a vampire, so she can be with Kol forever. Today is Nik's and mine wedding day. The wedding is being held in the compound, and the reception will be held at the plantation house.

Bekah is my maid of honor, Davina and Kat are my bridesmaids. Elijah is Nik's best man, Marcel, and Kol are his groomsmen. The theme is blue and black.

I woke up, and the girls were still sleeping. I got out of bed, and went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag and drank it. I heard a car pull in front of the house. Someone walked into the kitchen, and it was Nik. His hair looked like he ran his hand through it. His shirt was wrinkled, and his jacket was a bit messed up.

I said, " What are you doing?"

He smirked and said, " I came to get blood."

I said, " We aren't supposed to see each other before the wedding. Bekah is going to kill us."

He said, " She's never going to find out."

He grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. He put his arms around my waist.

I said, " Nik, you have to get ready, same as I."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he said, " What are you doing, love?"

I said, " I'm not doing anything. I just missed you. Two days is too long to not see you."

He smiled and said, " Same here, my love."

He leaned in, and I closed the gap between us. He lifted me up onto the island, and stood between my legs.

Someone yelled, " CARE!! KLAUS!!"

We pulled apart, and there was Kat. I said, " Hey, Kat."

She said, " Don't hey Kat me. You and him aren't supposed to being seeing each other."

I said, " I came to get blood, and then he came into the kitchen after me."

She said, " Let's go."

She grabbed my arm, and dragged me upstairs to Bekah's wing of the house. We walked into Bekah's room, and the girls were up. Bekah had her bridesmaids dress on, and is helping Davina with her hair.

Kat said, " Look who I found, with her tounge halfway down Klaus's throat."

I said, " Kat!"

Bekah looked at me and pointed the brush at me. She said, " You, and Nik seen each other?!"

I said, " Yes. I went downstairs to get blood, and he had came in after me for blood."

Davina said, " What? You didn't think to speed away?"

I said, " No."

Kat said, " Let's get ready for this wedding."

I went into the bathroom, and got a shower. After my shower, I put on my robe, and walked out. I sat down at the vanity, and Davina put Makeup on me, and Bekah did my hair.

When they finished doing my makeup, and hair, I grabbed my dress, and went behind the changing curtain. I put on my lace, long sleeve dress. I walked out from behind the curtain, and the girls gasped. I put on my heels, and looked at myself in the full length body mirror.

Bekah said, " Care, you look gorgeous."

Kat said, " Klaus is going to die, when he sees you."

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