Henrik's Death

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Caroline's POV
      It has been two months, and two moons have passed. It's another full moon tonight. Ayana didn't call on me, yet. Niklaus, and I are happy, together. I have been getting closer to Henrik. I do wonder what happened to him, since he isn't with the Mikaelsons in Mystic Falls. I would also like to know what made Klaus so murderous in the present time. I wonder what my friends are doing right now.

  Anyway, I woke up, and put on my tan dress. I went outside, and seen Henrik standing there. I said, " Henrik, what are you doing here?"

  He said, " Nothing. Just wanted to see you."

  I said, " I was about to take a walk, want to join?"

  He smiled, and nodded. We started walking around the lake, and talked. Henrik is like Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, and Finn. He is tall, and lanky like Finn. Childish like Kol, a gentleman like Elijah, and sweet like Niklaus. We soon went into the village, after walking for a few hours. We went to his home, and Esther was outside the door.

She smiled and said, " There you are, Henrik. Caroline, good to see you, again."

  I said, " Good to see you, Esther. I'm just dropping Henrik off, before I start dinner."

   Esther said, " Nonsense. You can eat with us for dinner. It has been a long time, since you had a dinner with us."

  I said, " Are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

  Henrik said, " Please, stay."

  I looked at Henrik's pleading eyes, and said, " Alright. I will stay."

Henrik smiled, and hugged me. I said, " Did you need any help with dinner?"

  Esther said, " No, dear. Go have fun, for a little while more."

  I said, " Alright."

Esther went inside the hut, and Kol walked over to Henrik and I. Kol smirked and said, " Come for me, darling?"

  I said, " Nice try."

  Henrik said, " Caroline is staying for dinner."

   Kol said, " Henrik, I want to show you something. Come with me."

   Henrik said, " Can Caroline come? Please, Kol!"

  Kol said, " Alright. She can't tell father anything about this."

  I said, " I won't."

  Kol nodded, and we walked into the woods. We reached a clearing, and stopped. Kol said, " Give me your hands, Henrik."

  Henrik gave Kol his hands, and Kol was whispering something. The leaves around started floating around all of us. I looked up at awe. Kol is pretty powerful.

   Kol soon stopped whispering, and let go of Henrik's hands. I said, " Wow. Kol that was amazing."

  Kol said, " I just learned it. It's called channelling. I channelled Henrik to gain more power."

  Henrik said, " Thats so cool."

  We started walking back to the hut. We walked inside, and sat down and ate dinner with everyone, and talked.

  It was soon dark out, and we headed to the caves, since the moon is going to be up soon. I was walking with Niklaus, and Henrik.

   Henrik said, " Could we just see the wolves?"

   I said, " Henrik, no. It's too dangerous."

  I looked at Niklaus and said, " Can you see if you can get him to stop asking?"

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