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Caroline's POV
        I was standing in front of a huge house. I was obviously in a city, but where? I heard someone say, 'New Orleans.' I'm guessing that's where I am. I heard yelling from the building, and I walked inside. There was Klaus holding Bonnie against the wall. Elijah, Rebekah, Stefan, Damon, Elena, and three other people I don't know, there.

    Klaus said, " Why shouldn't I kill you?"

  Elijah said, " Niklaus, let the girl go."

   Klaus's grip on Bonnie tightened. I said, " Klaus."

   He let go of Bonnie, and looked at me. He said, " Caroline."

     I then woke up, and I sat up. It was a dream. I looked around and the sun was up, and we are in the dandelion field, still. The cloak I wore last night, was covering both of us.

  Niklaus sat up, and said, " Morning, love."

  I said, " Morning."

   We had gotten dressed, and sat there in the field, for a bit more, and talked.

   I said, " We should get back to the village."

  He said, " We should. Shall we, love?"

   He stood up, and held his hand out for me to take. I took it and said, " We shall."

  I stood up, and we walked into the woods, and into the village. It was early in the morning, and barely anyone is awake. Kol walked out of the hut, and seen us and smirked.

   We stood in front of Kol, and he said, " Well, look who was out all night?"

   I said, " Shut it, Kol."

    Kol said, " Hurry getting ready, darling. I am going to need your help today."

  I said, " Doesn't Esther need my help today?"
  He said, " No. Mother can suffice with Rebekah."

  I said, " Alright. I will be right back."

  I walked into the hut, and went to Rebekah's and my room. Rebekah was still sleeping. I got changed into my red dress. When I was done, and I put my hair into a braid.

  Rebekah had woken up, and said, " You're up early."

   I said, " Yeah."

  She said, " Where were you last night?"

  I said, " What do you mean?"

  She sat up, and said, " You weren't in your bed last night. Where were you?"

   I said, " Fine. Niklaus and I had a date, last night. And we spent the night together."

  She said, " Really?"

  I said, " Yeah. I gotta go. See you later."

  She nodded, and I walked out of the room, and out fo the hut. Kol, and Henrik were standing there. I said, " Henrik. What are you doing here?"

  Henrik said, " Kol is letting me come with you both."
  Kol said, " More like Niklaus told him to make sure nothing happens between us."

  I said, " Nothing would ever happen between Kol and I."

   Henrik said, " So, where are we going?"

  Kol said, " Ayanas. She needs to speak with Caroline, and I have some herbs that she needs to give me."

   We started walking towards Ayanas hut. I said, " So, how long has your family known Ayana?"

   Henrik said, " Our whole lives. She is mother's friend."

Kol said, " Our mother is a witch, same as Ayana. Ayana taught our mother most of what she knows."

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