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    Harry barged through the main door inside his mansion, finding himself in the lonely, silent hall where the only sounds that could be heard were his rapid breaths. His hair was disheveled, his buttons were undone and his face was covered in sweat as he got to the balustrade, his knees touching the ground. He absolutely despises his overthinking mind which only stresses him more.

    " You're home. " The only voice he didn't want to hear made an appearance out of the blue.

    " I am. And I'm not going anywhere. " Harry regained himself at the sound of his father's voice, a frown taking place between his brows.

    " Harry. Stop acting like a child and get ready. In an hour you have to leave. " As Harry opened his mouth to protest, his father held up a hand to stop him and retreated in his office.

    A grimace outlined Harry's features, his jaw clenching as he slammed a fist against the balustrade and looked around his house hopelessly. Dull paintings were staring back at him as he tried to find any form of escape, but as he realized the sad reality, his eyes formed tears on the waterline and the only thing he did was let out a breath of frustration.

    An eternity later, he found himself sitting in a lavished sofa with a glass of wine in his hand, the silver jewelry reflecting beautifully in the crystal, while his head was thrown back, his long hair scattered everywhere. It has passed more than an hour since his father told him to get ready and meet his "future wife". Ha. What a joke. There's no living thing that can tame him and make him cave all his savage and raw desires. There's no creature that can tame his behavior and hold him in a leash. Not in this lifetime at least.

    The maids around him were spoiling him, as he's been spoiled his entire life, waving a hand fan in his face and feeding him fruit as if he's some sort of god. He's not far, anyway.

    Of course, all that atmosphere was crushed into pieces as his father's uneasy knocks interrupted his relaxation. " Harry? I thought we discussed something. "

    Harry groaned and scrunched his eyebrows at the sound of his annoying voice.

    " Get up. Now! " He growled, anger beginning to pile up inside his system, before he signaled for the maids to leave the room.

    " You're such a party breaker. " Harry grumbled as he made the littlest effort to raise his head and face his father's eyes. His face held an unimpressed expression as he judged his father's choice of clothing. " You do realize that those trousers don't go with that shirt, right? At least make the minimal effort to look good if you're going to be fucking irritating. "

    " Don't make me grab you by your hair and drag you to the car, you little brat. Up. Now. " He said in the most fake calm tone, before he stormed off God knows where.

    Harry rolled his eyes and stared at the door for a few seconds before he decided to listen to his sire and get up. " I can't believe I'm doing this. "

    He could hear all the agitation that was outside his car, he could feel it. The noise brought him an uneasy feeling, his stomach swirled in every direction, because he knew the moment he'll step out of the car, he'll be ambushed with cameras and flashes.

And that's exactly how it happened.

He got out of his car's protection, the smoky windows protection being useless now that he was out in the open. Just like a prey exposed to every possible danger that could attack from anywhere.

Instantly, flashes blinded him, aggressive words were thrown to him, hands grabbed at him. He hated this. And he hated his father more for not offering him a choice at how to live his own life and force him to live it like his instead.

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