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    So much for letting me walk around freely. The whole day after he met the Capo, he's been followed by Zayn and that other guy that refused to tell him his name. It really pissed Harry off when people don't do what he tells them.

    At the moment, Harry was situated at a long, elegant table adorned with exquisite chambersticks and numerous vases with expensive, rare flowers. Mighty chandeliers stood above the tables, showing off their countless candles with dried wax dripping from their tips. He wasn't surprised by the conditions these people lived since his own home was just as rich.

And Harry still hasn't recovered from what happened earlier today. Like, what actually happened? Just the thought of that pissed him off. How could he be so stupid and let himself fall into the Capo's trap? It was all a game to him and Harry was his pawn. Next time he won't be as dumb. It was probably the fact that he didn't understand what was happening and he was scared shitless. All this anger built up in him and he didn't realize it until he heard someone cough next him. He blinked, his gaze falling onto the fork that he gripped oh so tightly, the pads of his hurting from the pressure.

" You alright, kid? " Zayn asked him unphased before taking a sip from his tea. Does this man drink tea every fucking day? It pissed Harry off. Everything does nowadays.

Harry huffed, falling back into his chair, his arms crossed. " I lost my appetite. " He growled through gritted teeth to which the other man raised an eyebrow while glancing at Zayn.

" Alright then. Come on, Li. Let's get him to his bedroom. " Zayn sighed as he patted Harry's shoulders. The younger boy hissed at the man before shrugging off his hand. Who do they think they are?

" I can walk by myself, thank you very much. " Harry threw his hand in the air dismissively as he got up from the chair and took the lead.

It looked like the other two men were doing their best to restrain themselves from strangling the kid.

The other man pushed Harry inside of one of the empty bedrooms, causing the kid to groan. Zayn peeked his head inside the room to tell him something more. " I'm telling you again. No funny business. " He warned Harry before glancing at the camera that was positioned in the hallway.

Harry could only roll his eyes as he threw himself on the bed. He didn't bother responding the man with anything, so they took it as a sign and closed the door before locking it.

This room was nothing compared to his own. It did no justice to Harry's taste. But what can he say when he's being held against his will in a mansion filled with gang members? He's not even scared anymore as he realized they're not going to kill him any sooner. He's just angry at everything and everyone. He feels like he could kick the Capo in the face if given the chance. And now he's reminded of him again. Now he's furious.

    Harry's jaw clenched as he huffed, before getting up and slamming his fist in the wall. He can't stand to be here for one more second. An enraged howl escapes his throat as a second punch is thrown to the wall, this one leaving a mark.

Zayn and Liam were walking down the hallway, shaking their heads in disapproval as they did so. " Non so chi cazzo questo ragazzo pensa di essere. Ma non finira bene. " ( I don't know who the hell does this kid think he is. But it's not going to end well for him. ) Zayn mumbled as he opened the door for Liam to enter. Liam said nothing in response, not being in the mood to make a fuss about this kid.

" Louis, are you sure it's alright to let this kid roam freely around the house? " Liam said instead as he took a seat in front of Louis' desk. One of the numerous cats present in the room instantly jumped on Liam's lap, purring and begging for attention. Liam chuckled at the pet as one of his hands wandered through its short dark gray fur. " Midnight. "

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