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    trigger warning: minor character death

    Harry didn't quite comprehend what was happening around him, feeling like everything around him gradually slowed down while his green eyes remained locked on the perfectly structured face beneath him. Everything fell silent in Harry's brain, blocking any kind of sound from reaching his ears. His mouth remained parted as confusion dominated his mind, emotion enhanced by his furrowed eyebrows.

    Beneath him, Louis let a smirk roam free on his mouth, showing no remorse as the scene happened before him. He gently placed his soft fingers on Harry's chin, clasping them across the porcelain surface and directing the boy's face towards the emitter of the voice.

    It was like Harry finally woke up, his mind clearing up instantly before he got off Louis and stormed after Venus. The girl was long gone when he decided these actions and Harry couldn't help but stumble upon the 'moving' stairs under him. He forcefully grabbed the balustrade to hold himself as he took a few moments to look into the crowd and hope his vision clears.

    His intoxicated mind was slowly, but gradually clearing up and careful coherent thoughts began to race through his mind. He was finally waking up. He needed to apologize for what she'd seen. He wasn't really sorry, he has to admit, but he feels in the slightest bit bad for the girl. He really started to like her lately.

    Thankfully, he finally noticed the red head approaching with small rapid steps, a dark shiny car, the weak light reflecting on its surface. He wasted no time in following her, feeling his legs fail him but still holding himself strong. " Venus- wait! " He barely made out coherent words as he was running towards the girl.

    The girl's back was facing Harry, the boy noticing how she held her hands to her face to stop her sobs and try to hide away her countless tears that cascaded down her cheeks.

    Harry came to a stop, hard breaths escaping his mouth as he inspected the woman's silhouette before he reached out a hand and tried to touch her to gain her attention.

    The girl flinched away from Harry, her face finally turning in the slightest to make eye contact with him. Now he felt bad. Her beautiful blue eyes were all red and her eyelashes were all glued together due to the spilled tears. " It wasn't- " He tried, but got interrupted by a furious tone.

    " Get away from me. " The girl mumbled angrily, trying to approach the car and open the door, but the curly haired boy had other plans.

    He pressed a hard palm on the door and closed it back before he stepped in front of the girl, showing clear signs of regret as he held his hands in surrender.

    " I'm sorry. " Harry tried to explain, even though he wasn't sorry at all. It's Louis we're talking about. As the words escaped his mouth, he fidgeted with his fingers at his chin, trying to shove his anxiety off.

    Then there was silence. Long, tense periods of time passed. Venus just blinked, her lifeless gaze falling behind Harry. She remained silent. As they continued to remain still with vacant eyes staring, the moonlight shone on the two shapes, covering them in its silver blanket.

    Then, the red head slowly brought her gaze to Harry's, the blue darkening and swallowing the green in its shadows. Darkness surrounded Harry as he felt a painful throw in his face followed by another harsh movement which shoved him in the car and caused him to drift into unconsciousness.

    Harry doesn't know how much time has passed ever since Venus punched him in the face and knocked him out. It felt like short moments, but when he opened his eyes, his blurry vision accustomed to an unknown place and realized it's probably been more time. She must have been really mad to punch him like that.

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