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The next morning was something in premiere, something Harry never experienced before... with Louis. The man was still wrapped up around Harry's body like a duvet wanting to protect the little boy with all his might. His face was still buried deep in Harry's curls while his arms were wrapped tightly around him.

The boy unfortunately realized that he needed to go to the bathroom. God, he hates that feeling! And so he needed to find a way to move, so he doesn't wake Louis up. Harry tried to move his arm subtly, but he failed when Louis groaned and tightened his grip around him.

" Lou, I need to go to the bathroom. " Harry murmured with his morning voice weakly.

The man scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head lightly before forcing himself away from Harry. " Fine, choose the bathroom over me. " This caused Harry to roll his eyes and slap his head before storming towards the bathroom hoping Louis won't get revenge.

It didn't take Harry long to be done before he returned happily and threw his body on the bed, almost causing Louis to fall off. He felt like being annoying today. " Bro, stop it. " Louis growled lowly, his voice husky and muffled into the pillow.

Harry gasped faking offense. " How dare you, bro? " He instantly grabbed a pillow and threw it at Louis' head, but the man's instincts kicked in and caught it. " Anyways, I've decided to go to school today. " He continued cuddling next to Louis and finding his way under the man's arm.

Louis gladly accepted the sweet boy under his wing and even brought him closer, caressing at his curls shortly after. " That's what you've been saying for the past week. " This made Harry scoff.

" I'm serious right now. I will go. " The curly haired boy tried to get up only to be pulled back by Louis' strong grip.

Harry hummed as he watched Louis sleep peacefully, or lay down with his eyes closed. He admired every single feature for the millionth time that day. He couldn't get enough of the stunning man. God really saved his artistic skills for this one. " What's on your mind, curly? "

Harry's scrutinizing stopped at that. There wasn't anything on his mind, he just liked to admire the love of his life. But if he thought deeper, there was something on his mind. " What about last night? " He managed to croak out, knowing that it was to no avail to keep it in.

Vacant, silent moments passed, the suspense causing Harry's stomach to twist in every direction. " What about it? " Louis opened his sky blue eyes for the first time that day. " Isn't this what enemies do? Fuck? " He let a small playful smile play on his lips which caused Harry's own dimples to pop out at that.

The boy groaned before slapping Louis' arm playfully. " Come on! " He faked annoyance.

Louis was very expressive. " It was... something. " This response disappointed Harry. Louis really wasn't good with words and he wanted to face palm.

Harry glared deadly at him which, Louis hated to admit, caused a little anxiety to prickle at his nerves. " I loved it. " This caused Harry to roll his eyes. He didn't sound convincing at all. He was becoming annoyed for real at this point. " I really did, Harry! I'm sorry that I suck at expressing my emotions! " It was Louis' turn to become annoyed.

Harry mocked him with his facial expression, mouthing incoherent words which made Louis roll his eyes. " Baby... " He started, his voice soft, as he brought his hands to grip Harry's face and squish his cheeks. " It was the best thing thing I've ever felt in my life, I swear to God. I'm not lying. You felt so good and- and the image of you underneath me still makes my skin grow goosebumps. I've never experienced something like this. Definitely smash again. " The last sentence caused Harry to snort right when he was beginning to look in awe at Louis and feel butterflies form in his stomach.

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