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    The buzz of nicotine was leading its way through the Capo's lungs, dominating every inch possible and claiming it, resembling an alpha with its territory. Every puff of smoke that escaped Louis' mouth was a step closer to relaxation as his muscles' size slightly dimmed under his designer silk shirt, his clouded eyes slowly getting rid of the storms overcasting them.

    " Louis, seriously- " Zayn began exasperated as he watched his Capo sit in his seat, eyes glazed into oblivion, with no sign of desiring to add anything.

    The Capo raised his hand in a silencing motion, leading Zayn into sealing his mouth shut, as his eyes were still trained on the wooden door in front of him. Liam, from next to Zayn, sent the raven haired man a confused look as he watched the Capo do his thing.

" I'm sending him home. "

" Thank god, my prayers have been answered. " Zayn let out a breath of relief, making a cross as he thanked his lord.

Although, Liam was even more confused. " What are you gonna do about Dutch? " Worry was wrapped around his accent as he murmured the words.

Louis scoffed, his eyes shifting on the fag as he placed it in the ashtray and pushed it towards them, signaling that they need to throw it. " I left him a little present at home. " A smile creeped its way in a wicked manner to his face, devilry glinting in his eyes as they made contact with Liam's chocolate ones. " Now he knows he's not to touch even a single strand of hair from that boy. " Then, Louis' eyes shift to his white cat that was sitting in his lap, purring and radiating warmth as she gladly accepted the affection from her owner. " Right, Sucre? "

The two men looked at each other amused, not even phased by something like this, while their Capo held a sick smile in his features. " I will be departing then. Someone's got to break the news to the brat. " Zayn was the first one to break the silence, making movement to get up, but was stopped instantly by Louis.

    " I can handle it. " His voice was stern as his eyes burnt into Zayn's hazel ones, causing the man to submit and let him do things his way. Sucre yawned as her owner picked her up, regret in his eyes, and placed her carefully on his desk, the feline not moving an inch. "My kitten must have missed me. "

    As he got up from the seat, he dusted himself quite haughtily before he sent the pair of men a smile and padded away, the doors opening for him.

    Arriving at the boy's door, that was isolated at the end of the hallway, the bodyguards at his door being the only people present right now on the said floor, the Capo signaled with his eyes for the bodyguards to clear the way.

    As he placed his hand on the door handle, his fingers wrapped around the circular shape tightly, before he rotated it in the slightest, leaving the door to open itself in his way. But when the door opened, the sight in front of him almost caused him to let his jaw drop on the floor in shock, his eyes widening in a modest manner, before he regained himself, his usual wickedness and mischief taking over.

    " I feel like I entered at a wrong time. " His tone was amused, the usual smirk tugging upwards at his lips as his eyes unashamedly traveled all over Harry's body as the boy attempted to hide himself, his cheeks flushed in red and his gaze anywhere else but on the Capo.

    " Wha- what are you doing here? " Harry squeaked, hiding his face in the blanket, not wishing to meet the Capo's gaze.

With just a simple action, Louis tears the blanket away from the boy's face to scrutinize it better, dominance radiating over his body and reaching the younger boy. Harry whimpered, his eyes growing glossier with each second that passed, a different reason this time.

" I told you I was getting bored... " Harry's voice was high pitched as he squeaked again when he felt the Capo's body shift closer to his own.

" I told you I have alternatives. " Louis' rough hand grabbed Harry's chin, forcing the lad to stare deep into his ice gaze, his breath quickening at the situation. He kind of felt turned on that he was caught. " How are you feeling, sweetling? " A smirk tugged at his lips, as devilry wrapped his accent.

Harry let out a hard breath, trying to control his annoying body, but all to no avail. " Answer me, baby. " Their faces were inches apart now, a sweat drop growing on Harry's temple.

    Fuck this. " T-turned o- fuck! " A moan erupted from between Harry's lips as he felt the Capo's own on his neck, teeth grazing at his neck before biting harshly in the flesh. He was going to feel the pain for days.

    " You do? That's good. Because you're free to go home, and have as much sex as you want. " The Capo giggled against his neck, before he swiped his tongue over the sensitive skin and blew out cold air, which did things to Harry, the heat in his lower stomach increasing.

    It took Harry moments to process the words that escaped the Capo's mouth, as he retracted his body from the teen and dusted himself, a dismissive glint in his eyes. As he turned around to leave, Harry couldn't stop the words from falling out of his mouth. " So that's it? " He mentally slapped himself as he heard his own words. How dumb can he be? " Nevermind. I can't wait to get out of this hellhole. "

    The words caused the Capo to chuckle darkly, not turning around to face the boy, who was staring intensely at his toned back. " I'll tell Zayn to take care of you. " This only frustrated Harry more. He felt like he was being used as a toy for the Capo to toss around whenever he desired, which was Harry's thing. Never in his entire life had he thought the tables would turn like that. Biting back his tongue, he huffed and rolled his eyes, shifting his gaze to the white cat that stood by the doorframe, glaring into his soul, as she waited for her owner.

    When he gets out, he'll make sure every single one of this motherfuckers will pay for everything they did.


Hii, sorry for not updating, I was at a cabin with my friends and I didn't really have time for Wattpad!!

Sorry if it's short, but hope you enjoyed it 😊

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