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what's your zodiac sign ?

Tw: minor character death

That night, Harry didn't close an eye. Hell, he  couldn't even sleep. The uneasy, warm feeling swirled in his stomach reaching his head, causing him to feel dizzy and sick. He felt like throwing up. The weak stream of silver that outlined his features slowly dimmed as hours passed, and the midnight morphed into dawn, dark blueish colours distorting into purple and slowly after that, into orange and yellow.

The thoughts that ate him from inside out sounded like: Why did I confess my dumb feelings to a dumb blonde? Is the dumb blonde slowly becoming my friend? And why the fuck is another dumb curly blonde taking my place in Louis' bedroom?

He knew he had to do something about this. This wasn't right. Louis wasn't allowed to fuck someone else than him. The dumb curly blonde needs to disappear, whether he wants or not. " I'm gonna show him he messed with the wrong person. " He murmured to himself, a low growl erupting from his throat at the thought of Louis with someone else. You're not allowed to touch my Louis.

" Harry! " Niall's loud Irish voice startled him, causing to fall of his bed and barely avoiding the nightstand.

    " What, Niall? What could you possibly want? " He groaned, having a hard time getting up and massaging his bum as he did so.

    " Sorry, mate. Louis said we're going to Spain. There's a family reunion. " He apologized before stepping in the room in attempt to help Harry.

    " And he says that now? I haven't even done my baggage. " He sounded offended. " Does he take that like scoundrel with us? " He growled annoyed.

    Niall laughed in response to the curly lad. " It's not like you have any clothes with you. About that, did you talk to your parents? " Harry shook his head indignantly.

    " As if. They don't deserve to hear from me. " He rolled his eyes and shook off Niall's hand off of him. " Don't touch me, please. "

    " Spoiled brat. " Niall muttered under his breath jokingly, knowing he'll get under Harry's skin that way. " Come on, there's food downstairs. "

    " Thank you, Niall! " Sarcasm was strongly present in his tone as he started going down the numerous stairs in the mansion. " Do you ever get tired of walking up and down these? "

    " Not really. I'm used to it. " Niall mumbles as he munches on a piece of pizza with sweet corn on it. Harry doesn't try to understand where did that come from.

    " Do you ever stop eating? " He rolled his eyes boredly as he noticed they're close to the base of the staircase.

    " There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Harold. Eating isn't my only quality. " Niall tried to sound mysterious, but he incredibly failed. Sure, there's a lot of things about him, but they can't be that interesting, right? He literally knows nothing about any of the gang members. He barely talked to them.

As Harry arrived on the last floor, his green eyes couldn't help but glance in a highlighted direction that caught his eye. There was Louis, with that little wrench attached to his arm like a leech, with baggages on each side of them and accompanied by a few people dressed in black suits with a limousine situated right in front of the mansion.

The young teen stopped in his tracks to look hopelessly at the person he desired the most, knowing damn well that Louis feels his lethal gaze on the back of his head. His thoughts were confirmed when the capo turned around slightly and shot him a sly smirk, before wrapping an arm around Felipe's waist.

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