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    Harry couldn't sleep that night. Well, most of it. He spent it moving around in the bed, hard breaths escaping his throat as tears brimmed his eyes and threatened to cascade down, but he blinked them away in frustration. He just wondered what did he ever do to end up in this situation. When his mind seemed to relax, his body did too, and that's when he fell asleep for the first time in that night.

    He found himself standing in the middle of nowhere. His head snapped in every direction, eyes searching desperately for any sign of life, but all to no avail. It looked like an apocalypse with all the dilapidated buildings and lack of life. The boy was really confused as he started walking around the city, his entire body tense and eyes wary. His hands were brought to his chest, holding on each other protectively while his legs slightly trembled as they helped him move.

    The sun was setting, hiding behind the horizon, weak rays leaving a trail behind. Harry felt like chasing after it and catch it in his hands so it wouldn't leave him all alone in the dark. But his body stayed still, breath stuck in his throat. The boy could only feel confused at this point, no trace of any other emotion on his face.

    His green eyes unlatched themselves from the sun forcingly, the green gaze instantly falling on an unique sign of life in front of him. It looked familiar to Harry but he couldn't quite make anything out of it, the silhouette blurry.

    Suddenly everything started taking a shape, the limbs attaching to the body and light eyes being painted on the face. White fur started growing out of the body and long ears were straightened.

    The magnificent creature tip toed in front of Harry, its predatory gaze devouring Harry with every second that passed. The catwalk was delicate, sensible, reminding Harry of a ballerina waltzing like a swan. Light paws glued to each other as the rest of the body placed itself down, the tail wagging dismissively. The cat that belonged to Louis in real life, watched Harry freeze in front of it, enjoying every second of the boy's submissiveness, almost smirking if it could.

    It had a gaze that dared Harry to stare back into those eyes, sparking temptation in his system. The lad didn't back down and he provoked the cat by staring intensely in its gaze, even taking two steps forward. Suddenly, its eyes lightened up, sun like rays framing them, which expanded to Harry's entire line of sight until he was blinded.

    Harry jumped up, flinching as he finally opened his eyes and woke up from his dream. It weirded him out. He felt a pressure in his lap, that he failed to notice since he was so shaken up from his dream. Confused, he let his eyes drift to the thing placed on his lap... or cat more like. It laid on its belly, eyes closed gently as it purred.

    He huffed as he remembered that he fucking hated cats. When he went to scream and push down the cat, a voice startled him, almost causing his heart to fall out of his chest. " I wouldn't do that if I were you. "

    Harry's breath hitched as his eyes traveled to Zayn who was propping himself on the doorframe, a smirk plastered on his face. " Come on. Ready to spend the entire day with the Capo? " His tone was amused as he watched Harry's face blanch.

    The boy couldn't form words, resuming to only shaking his head in response to which Zayn chuckled and shook his head himself. He motioned for Harry to get up from his bed and put on the clothes he gave him, but Harry didn't move, frozen in his place. The man realized that Harry wasn't going to move from his place so he sighed, clicking his tongue. " The Capo doesn't like waiting. "

    " I don't want to meet him. " Harry felt a sudden pang of fury inside him as he growled out, before he quickly realized what he said. His breath hitched in his throat as he noticed Zayn's change of expression and he didn't waste no time in getting up. After all, he saw what they did yesterday and he didn't want to end up like that. Zayn's satisfied expression didn't appeal to him at all.

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