The Unlucky Days...

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So, as I expected. School was boring as usual. The only thing that was not boring was me being able to go to the Principals office. Again. He barely punishes me when I go there.

Personally, I think he's great.
The last time I got in trouble, I sabotaged the chemistry teachers
project so the room set on fire!

I usually get in LOTS of trouble.
Especially if it's been 3 years of me going to this school.

"Alex, you have to stop getting in trouble!" the Guidance Councilor yelled at me for rigging the vending

"Am I really doing a crime? I'm letting good citizens get free food so they don't have to waste their money on you selfish people!" I replied in the most angry yet questionable way ever.

The rest of the conversation was basically unspoken. Except for the part where she yelled at me to get out of her office.

Time for 6th period. 6th period is accelerated English class. It's surprising I'm even in the class, considering I not considered " I'm not the best student ever".
"Students, we have a new girl joining us today. There's only four days left so, hope to see her again next year!'' The teacher kept going on for two minutes, until she arrived.
"Oh, here she is! Welcome, Jonnie Elizabeth."

Hey bros, what did you think of my second chapter? If you guys liked this chapter, please comment and like this chapter so I can continue writing. I'd love I hear from all of you!! :P

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