Road of Recovery

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I woke up again with Jonnie by my side. This time we were laying down and I had my arm behind her head. She was laying sideways towards me with her right leg on me and her foot near my knee. I wanted to get up and move to check the news again, but then I looked at Jonnie.

She was sleeping and had a smile on her face that would show she truly had felt exactly how I feel. She had the most beautiful expression on her face and you could tell she was comfortable. I kissed the top of her head and I decided to keep laying down.

Then, my phone started ringing. I answered it immediately so that Jonnie wouldnt wake up.

"Hello?" I questioned with a morning groggy voice and whispering.

"Good morning, this is the hospital of Morrow in regards to speak to.. Alexander Dungaranne?" the nurse had questioned.

I got really jumpy and walked out of the room trying not to wake Jonnie, "Yes, this is Alex. Is something wrong? Is my mother okay??" I kept asking questions and I was pacing back and forth waiting for answers.

"Calm down, sir. Your mother is severely bruised and has a few broken bones. When she woke up this morning, all she did was ask for you. We recieved your number from her writing it down. Do you mind coming in? Visiting hours end at 10 o'clock pm." I had sat there for a second trying to process this all.

"Yeah, I can come in. Bye."

"Have a good eve-" I hung up and walked back into the bedroom to get my jacket. I kissed Jonnie on the forehead and left her a note saying I ran to the hospital.

I walked to my house real quick and took the keys to my mom's car and drove to the hospital.

When I had arrived at the hospital, I waled in the front door and all I could see was a lot of people walking everywhere, seemingly knowing where they are going.

When I located the counter, I asked where my mothers room is and the coilunter-lady had pointed me in the right direction and gave me the number "113."

All I could think about walking down the hallways was how many tragedies has happened in this one building. How many people had lost family, how many people who were put in the same state my mother was in, how many people were hospitalized for weeks.

I could stop thinking about the negative things to happen. I started ti run down the hallway. I couldn't think if my mother being one of the people to pass away in the hospital, to be another one to be lost by a familt member, causing the familt member to fall into a sorrowful abyss, with seemingly nothing bu darkness.
By the time I got to the room, I had started to cry seeing her. My mother had hundreds of cords attached to her, she had a cast covering her right arm from her elbow to her knuckles on her fingers. Several parts of her skin were purple from the bruises and pain. I sat next to her and looked at her face. She had a black eye and a patch on her forehead to stop blood.

"Hey, sweetheart." my mother had said weakly and reached her hand out to me. I grabbed her hamd, holding it lightly with my softest touch. The moment out hands had touched, there had been a tear to come out of both of our eyes.

"Im so sorry I had not been there to protect you. I really should've been there, mother.." I had weakly apologized for the current state she was in.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I have been very rude to you in the past and this is my way to start over." my mother smiled at me. I had kissed her hand and she had waved for me to come closer, I hugged her and didn't move for 10 minutes.

I had been there for an hour and now she had been telling me humorous stories about her past. We both were laughing and smiling.

Unexpectedly, Jonnie walked through the door and had seen us sitting there.

"Hey, Alex. I'm sorry for barging in but I wanted to come check on you, but I cans ee you are fine." she had started to walk away and then turned right back around, "Hello, Alex's mom. I. I had bought you some flowers, Ill leave them here. She had walked to a table nect to me and then sat next to me.

"Alex.. You didnt tell me you had a lady-friend." she had said poking me to show that she was indicating me having a crush.

"Yes mother, this is Jonnie, my girlfriend." when I had said that, Jonnie and I had both started slightly blushing.

"Jonnie, can you lean in so I can whisper in your ear?" Jonnie did as she had said, and I overheard what she had whispered, "Hurt my Alex, I dont care if I'm hospitalized, I will come after you." when Jonnie was leaning back, my mother started giggling.

"I was kidding, Jonnie, you seem very nice and sweet. But dint hurt him." we had all been smiling.

Jonnie and I stayed at the hospital until my mother had fallen asleep. We both quietly walked out of the room and back to the car I had drove.

I had sighed and layed back into the , "Thank you for showing up, it means a lot to me." I smiled at Jonnie and she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you for officially making me your girlfriend, that means a lot to me." she then smiled and we kissed. For me, every time we had kissed, ai had loved her even more. Every time I woke up to be next to her side, I loved her more. Every single time I would even see her, I loved her even more. The only thing I find to be challenging for this concept of my love.. Is if it were to end.

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