Just Plain Fun

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I decided that I should text Jonnie. I pulled out my iPod and opened my texting app called Jump.

"Hey Jonnie. What's up? I thought I should text you." I ended the awkward silence between us.

"Oh god. Thanks for texting! I've been waiting for you to start the conversation." Jonnie replied after I texted.

"So, what are you doing? I can come over. Besides, I ran away anyway." I asked Jonnie.

"Oh, here's my address. Come over whenever you can. 7385 Rightin Rd." Jonnie told me that her parents are off traveling in summer so she's fine with me coming over whenever. Literally, whenever.

"Okay, I'm coming now. Wow, I'm only 3 blocks away. Be there in a bit. :)" I texted Jonnie the whole way to her house.

Jonnie was sitting on her porch in a rocking chair having her feet on the railing. She had two cups of sweet tea by her.

"Do you like sweet tea? I got some right here." Jonnie was relaxed. Most relaxed I've ever seen her as.

"Yeah, I love sweet tea." I was happy to hang out with a new friend. Her house was 2 stories with a big garage. The paint job was done well. It's a yellow color with a white out frame around the doors and windows.

We hung out for 3 hours then I had to go before my parents saw me around town. I don't even know why I'm staying in this dumb town. I love to hang out with friends. I think we all will hang out tomorrow.

When the time comes around, Jonnie and I are still sitting on her porch, laughing about some silly jokes that were told. We decided to hang out the next day, since we didn't have anything planned.

~The Next day~

When I had finally arrived at Jonnie's that evening, it was already somewhat dark outside. We decided to Watch old horror movies and eat popcorn. She really enjoyed the old films, which I did too. I honestly doubted she would like them at first, but whatever.

After a while, we both were pretty tired. When I had looked at my phone, the time appeared to be 3:30am. We were both soo tired we couldn't focus completely. Most of our conversation then was random, mostly as if we didn't have a filter between our mouths and our brains.

"I don't like moving schools. It always counts for being the outsider at the beginning of the year. As if I am a black sheep walking among all the others. It doesn't feel right," I had stated while looking at my hands. I was moving my fingers in a clockwise pattern around each other while trying to focus on how it seemed interesting to me.

"In all my years, I don't think I've met someone I got so close to in such a short period of time. It's like we were meant to be here, watching classics." Jonnie replied abruptly. It seemed out of nowhere to say, yet it made perfect sense.

I took a glance over to her, and in the same moment, she glanced at me. Her starry eyes expanding as I look at her. In a split second, I blinked. By the time my eyes opened, she was already half-way to my face as her eyes started to close. That's when her lips came into contact with mine. I was shocked at this outcome, but didn't think much of it. I could hear my heartbeat going as quick as a constant click of someone writing on a type writer. I could feel the affection between her and I. My face heating up as if it was the sun beating down on a beach on a hot summer day.

Then she pulled back from my face and went to sleep. As if it wasn't a big deal for her to make an interaction such as this one. I eventually went to sleep after my heart stopped beating out of my chest, and my face felt cool. Jonnie might not remember this, but it was unforgettable for me.

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