16 • lovemake

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R-18 scenes

Taehyung and Jisoo sat cozily on the sofa, his arms were wrapped around her and her back was pressed against him. They've decided to ditch the fancy dinner and ordered take outs in his apartment instead since Jisoo was feeling a little jetlag after the trip.

After their dinner and hours of talking about what happened to them in the past month, Taehyung decided to put on a movie and massaged her aching feet. And then they snuggled on the couch.

Jisoo was enjoying the movie they were watching, it was certainly good. Halfway to it though, she was more hyper aware of Taehyung's hand.

He can't seem to keep it to himself.

His small touches was driving her crazy.

His fingers were now gently tracing the skin on her legs and arm. Drawing circles, and giving her goosebumps.

As though touching her wasn't enough, He gently pulled her impossibly closer to him.

They were so close she could feel his hot breath against her neck. She tried hard to refocus on the movie but Taehyung isn't letting her.

Suddenly, his hot breath was replaced with his warm lips.

Her stomach tightened.

Jisoo gasped. "Taehyung-ah."

"Hmm?" He answered, not bothering to stop.

"Mwo hae?" She whispered.
What are you doing?

He didn't respond.

His lips remained pressed against her skin, from her shoulder moving to her neck until it reached the back of her ears.

Jisoo shivered.

Taehyung chuckled. He was probably enjoying how he was affecting her.

"Shut up." She whispered, blushing hard and feeling embarrassed.

His mouth feels so good.

His mouth latched back on her neck, kissing her on favorite spot.

The butterflies in her stomach was going crazy, it feels so delicious.

She bit her lips to stop herself from moaning loudly.

She then felt his hand slip through her shirt, the warm feeling in her stomach intensified.

His finger grazed her bra, circling his thumb against her hardened nipple. The friction, his mouth on her body, was too much.

Jisoo moaned.


She melted into him, feeling weak. Her heart was thumping hard against her chest.

He turned the movie off and effortlessly pushed Jisoo down the couch, placing himself above her.

The sudden quietness, except for their ragged breathing was making it more sensual.

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