14 • tease

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The investigation proved to be futile. The person who delivered the letter turned out to be just a delivery boy who was working on post mails, the real owner of the letter was unidentified.

Jisoo's sighed. Jennie was furious, they both are. But Jisoo is feeling a little stressed about everything from the mysterious call, bloody letters and their upcoming world tour.

Jisoo massaged her forehead. She's having a headache.

Who could be doing this to her?

"We will find out who did this." Jennie suddenly spoke.

She was looking outside the car window. She must have felt her worries.

"I promise." She turned to her and smiled assuringly.

Jisoo smiled back, "I know we will."

They were both heading to the airport for their US flights. Rosé and Lisa were riding on another car. Their world tour has officially begun. It's going to be a long, fun and tiring six months.

Days blurred into months, Blackpink hopped from one country to another, Jisoo met fans from all over the world, made wholesome and memorable memories with her members and everyone they encountered, specially their blinks. It was an exhausting journey, but one she will forever remember. Her heart swelled. Times like this, makes her pat herself in the back for never giving up on her dreams. This is the very reason she wanted to be an idol: to perform and put smiles on people's faces and touch lives.

[6 months later]

They're finally going home. Jisoo had made amazing memories that she will never forget.

They still have one show to prepare for all of their korean blinks and after that, they will all get to rest and vacation.

In Hawaii!

She can't wait.

It's one of the things that kept her going when the tour gets really exhausting.

There's actually 3 things that kept her going.

Her blinks, vacation and seeing Taehyung again.

God, she missed him so much.

They've been communicating less and less everyday because of their schedules but whenever they can talk they made sure to talk about each other and nothing else.

She can't wait to finally see him.

Taehyung can't wait too. He's waiting at the airport for her.

She promised to have dinner with him tonight but then he said he couldn't wait that long.

Impatient man.

Jisoo smiled. She noticed the fluffy clouds they were passing. They're currently on a plane en route to korea.

She took out her phone and took a snap. Taehyung likes clouds and sky.

She was admiring her photography skill when her phone pinged.

I told you to get lost, you fucking bitch.

It's an unkown number again.

Jisoo tapped her phone and blocked the number. It's probably the 100th unknown number she had blocked. She's still receiving scary messages and weird phone calls. And she still doesn't know who it's from.

What is wrong with people?

What does this person get from doing all of these?

She has no idea how this person always manage to get her number, she had changed her number a couple times already.

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