06 • priorities

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Jisoo got discharged from the hospital today. She still has a little cold but she's feeling much healthier and non-feverish now.

"Unnieee, welcome back." Lisa and Rosé greeted her with a hug when she reached her hotel room.

"Oh, you're all here." She said with a smile.

"Of course, we wanted to welcome you back." Jennie said and giving her a hug too.

"We prepared snacks!" Rosé joyfully said, showing off the food.

They all gathered on the mini table and was talking about what she missed while she was gone when the door suddenly opened.

They all turned to see who it was.

It was Taehyung.

... a very serious Taehyung.

Jisoo's jaw dropped.

She heard the girls gasp.

He stayed on the door, not moving and looking scary by the minute.

His eyes was set on Jisoo.

"I'm seeing things..." Jisoo mumbled, still looking at Taehyung unbelievably.

He can't possibly be here... he's in korea right now.

"We're seeing him too..." Jennie whispered.

Taehyung glanced meaningfully at her members and loudly cleared his throat.

Jennie, being the only one who got his meaning, immediately stood up, made excuses and dragged Lisa and Rosé out of the room.

He locked the door, walked towards her and pulled her into a very tight hug.

It was all so fast.


"I'm so mad right now. I might just take you home."

He was so tensed.

Jisoo could feel it.

She hugged him back and softly soothed his back.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, frustration bled into his voice.

Jisoo blinked.

She broke their hug and stared at him with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would you not tell me about your health or that you were in the hospital?" He said, looking away,"I had to know through your post for your fans..."

His voice cracked a little.


Jisoo felt bad.

He looked so tired and hurt.

Did he flew all the way here because he was worried about her?

She mentally slapped herself.

Ommo, what have I done.. I'm so stupid!

She hugged him again, wrapping her arm around his waist.

"Hubby... I'm so sorry," she whispered, remorsefully.

He still would not look at her.

"I didn't want to make you worry, I just had cold and fever that's it. It wasn't anything serious. And I know your busy, with your comeback and everything. I thought-"

"You're wrong,"he suddenly interrupted.

"No, listen-"

He softly cupped her face and brushed his thumb on her lips, effectively shutting her up.

"Jisooyah... no matter how busy I am, you will always come first. I don't care if I die of worrying, it's part of my job as your boyfriend. Just please let me know if anything ever happens again. Arasso?"

He said firmly and full of sincerity.

It made her heart swell.

Her eyes became teary.

She felt embarrassed.

"Arasso," she said in a small voice, burying her face on his chest.

He then released a deep, contented sigh.

"I'm all better now, the doctor gave me medication and said I'll be good as new in the next days."she reassured, looking up to him shyly.

"Stop being cute... but that's good to know." he finally smiled at her.

A few hours later, Taehyung was sound asleep on her bed.

He answered so many calls earlier from some of his members and manager and even their bosses. He apologised and promised to be back later tonight.

Apparently, after their show he immediately booked a flight and went straight to the airport.

She's sure he'll get in trouble but she's also very touched by his actions.

Poor guy, he didn't even get to rest during his flight because he was so anxious for her.

I'm the worst girlfriend.

She was still astonished about how he flew out the country in the middle of their promotion.

He didn't even bring a luggage.

Jisoo sighed loudly but then thought of something.

She smiled to herself.

She's going to make him happy before he leaves. It's the least thing she could do.

hi, loves! thank you so much for all of your positive comments, messages (specially chuchuste 🤗) and votes. they mean a lot to me 💜

anyways, what do you guys think is Jisoo planning? Let me know 🙈

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