10 • aftermath

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Jisoo is in the elevator with her manager. Mr. Yang wanted to speak with her personally. About what, she doesn't know.

She had already confirmed her relationship with Taehyung when he called, so whatever it is the Chairman want to speak with her now is giving her anxiety.

Despite all the pep talk, Jisoo was still nervous as hell. The Chairman's office was on the 6th floor, when she was a trainee or even now that she's part of Blackpink, it is known that being called to the Chairman's office usually means trouble.

She massaged the bridge of her nose, there's a dull ache in her head. Probably because she didn't get a wink of sleep last night. She's been worrying.

"Have you talked with Taehyung?" her manager suddenly spoked.

Jisoo nodded at him. "Ah, de. We spoked last night, oppa."

Taehyung had called to check on her, he was so worried he wanted to come to their dorm but she forbids it. Better to let the issue die and not fuel it with him being spotted at her place.

He shared that he had already spoken with Mr. Bang, the CEO of Big Hit, yesterday. Turns out he already knew about his relationship with her, so he wasn't really surprised. How he knew about it, he didn't say. Mr. Bang had also assured Taehyung he will not be meddling with his personal relationship and that he respects his private life as he does with all of his employees. But he did requested to keep things "low-key" in the mean time, just to avoid unneeded publicity that might affect their career in general.

Jisoo was so relieved by the news and was glad Taehyung didn't get in trouble with his boss.

Now it's her turn to face her boss. She hopes it will turn the same way.

The elevator dinged. They arrived on the 6th floor. The Chairman's office was on the right side of the whole floor. Mr. Yang's secretary smiled at them when they approached. Jisoo couldn't help but notice her perfect, white teeth. She's very petite, and flawless. Her hair was in a slick bun, every strand perfectly tucked away. Even her make up and uniform was all... perfect.

"Hello. Please follow me, the chairman has been waiting." She ushered them inside a big glass door.

The Chairman was seated behind his desk, phone on his ears. He gestured for them to settle down and give him a minute to finish his call. His secretary left and then appeared again holding a tray of three sparkling water. Jisoo smiled at her gratefully.

Even though she was thirsty, she didn't drink. She's afraid she can't swallow it because of the nervousness she's feeling. Even his manager was a little antsy, his legs kept bouncing up and down.

Jisoo rubbed her sweaty hands on her jeans and glanced around the room. It's very polished... and very cold. Everything was either gray or black or something made of glass.

The chairman cleared his throat before settling down on the seat near them. She mentally forced herself to focus and listen carefully to whatever it is that might come out of his mouth. He's a businessman after all, businessmen always get what they want or get things done where they benefit the most. And Mr. Yang, well, he does not have the best reputation.

"Have you seen the news recently, Jisoo-yah?" He asked. Perching his chin on his hands.

Jisoo slightly shook her head.

"Ande, Sajang-nim. I avoided it last night..." Jisoo admitted. She wasn't ready to know what the people have been saying about her nor does she have the energy to face the hate that is probably thrown at her at this very moment.

Mr. Yang nodded.

"Wise decision." He murmured.

Jisoo's eyebrows knit together.

What does that mean? Is everyone bashing her?

He must have read the worry in her face.

"Don't worry. Surprisingly, people have been very supportive of your relationship with Taehyung. Although we can never really avoid hateful comments, but that is only very small percentage." He assured, taking a sip of his water.

Jisoo mentally sighed in relief.

Knetz are supportive of her and Taehyung...

Jisoo was overwhelmed.

"However, I have to admit, if it had been the other way, I'm afraid things would not have been better for you."

Jisoo's relief vanished. She perfectly understood what he meant.

Her jaw tightened.

"You see, I care about your well being, Jisooyah. I do, along with your members. But you have to understand, my priority is this company, among anything else. I built this from scratch, I invested a lot for in this and so I will protect it with every way I can. Fortunately, after the scandal was announced, our stocks have increased..."

Then what would have happened if people weren't supportive? If stocks were lost because pf her scandal?

He would have probably done what he did with Jennie and Kai.

He would force her to break up with Taehyung.

She tried hard to look unfazed but deep inside she wanted to tell him to stop all these pretentious act because they both know he doesn't care for her well being, he only care about the money his employees bring to his company. He is a misogynistic ass, who barely gives her or her members the bare minimum simply because they are women. But she shut her mouth.

He's your boss. He's your boss. He's your boss.

"Are the two of you serious with each other or is all of this a temporary situation... for convenient purposes?"

She stared at him. She's processing his words clearly before answering. What the hell does he mean?

"We both have serious relationship that we are very committed to. This is not a temporary thing, I assure you." she spoke each word clearly, so he doesn't miss a single thing.

"I see. That's good to hear. You two are considered to be the power couple of the year, and that is a very good publicity. Scandals are never good, but since people are eating this up like a bag of chips, then there is no problem."

She stared at him unbelievably. He didn't just make her relationship into some kind of a business marketing shit. Every second he opens his mouth makes her want to rip his throat out.

Jisoo reminded herself who he is, she need to calm down or else.

"Now, both of you will be watched constantly by the media, by the fans, by everyone, to be exact. You have to be careful with your actions." He looked at her and her manager pointedly.

"De, Sajang-nim." She forced out. If the chairman noticed the distaste in her voice, she couldn't care less.

"Good, good. For the mean time, please avoid being seen with Taehyung. Let's make this issue die as fast as possible, arasso? So we can all focus on your upcoming world tour."

Jisoo wanted to say no. She wanted to see Taehyung tonight so they could talk and just be there for each other.

The chairman did not wait for her reply tho.

"Well, That is all. I'm sure you have things to attend to." He said, as his way of dismissing people.

Her manager must have noticed she's pissed.

He thanked the chairman for his time but Jisoo stayed silent, she did managed to give him a bow before walking out of his office, but she was cursing him in her head, silently.

She should have spit on his water when he wasn't looking.

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