05 • worried

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"Ooh, so good." Jisoo murmured to herself, eating porridge with some chicken soup.

She's in the hospital.

Blackpink was back in the US again to perform at coachella. Their first performance was a blast, a lot of people came to watch them and it was beyond amazing.

But unfortunately, she got sick.

It wasn't anything serious, just a little cold and fever but she wanted to get better soon because their second performance is coming up next week, that's why she's in the hospital, to recover fast.

Her members were out, enjoying the festival. Even some of their staff was out, too. But they did visit her earlier.

They didn't want to leave her alone but she insisted. She didn't want them to catch her virus and have them sick too. Besides, she likes the peace and quiet.

She also haven't told Taehyung about the situation. She was sure he'll get worried sick about it. She's sure he's busy now, as they just released their new album comeback. She didn't want him to get stressed about her health. She's feeling better anyway, so no need to make a big fuss.

Days later tho, Jisoo was surprised to find out she was trending. Her fans were starting to get worried. They were asking for her and why she wasn't present in the pictures with her members and why she was silent on her social medias.

Jisoo was touched by their messages. She mentally scolded herself for forgetting to update their fans.

She decided to give them a little reassurance by posting on her instagram account.


"Yah, Taehyung-ah..."

Taehyung turned to look at Jungkook, "Bo?"

"Did you know about this?" He said again.

"What is it?" He asked.

They were riding their group van, they are heading to an award show to promote for their newly released album comeback.

The boys got curious as well.

Yoongi, Jhope and Jimin pored over at Jungkook's phone.

"Oh." Yoongi blurted, eyes wide.

"Shoot, Jisoo got sick?" Jhope asked.

"She's in the hospital." Jimin stated, still looking at Jk's phone.

"Wait, what?" Taehyung immediately snatched the phone.

It was Jisoo's post for her fans. She was apologizing for not being active at their coachella experience and making her fans sad as she got sick and was recovering.

"What the fuck?" He murmured. He checked his phone if there was any messages from his girlfriend about her being sick.

There was none.

They talked last night, but she did not mentioned anything.

Why haven't she told him?

He was about to call her, but they arrived at the venue.

Damn it.

"Relax... the cameras are here." Jin reminded him softly.

Taehyung exhaled and cooled his facial expression.

They exited their van and it was so hard not to look mad and worried while the cameras flashed.

Even during their performance, Taehyung was still very much bothered. He wants to know what happened and why Jisoo never told him.

He stared at his watch and caressed it.

"...Every time we are apart, you wear yours and I'll wear mine so we are still connected."

Taehyung exhaled.


"You okay?" Namjoon asked, a while later.

They were still at the award show.

He was getting impatient. Why does this shit take so long?

"I'm leaving tonight," he whispered to him.

"Where you going?"

"I'm gonna check on Jisoo." He explained vaguely.


Oohh... swearing Taehyung is my favorite. Lol

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