17 • past

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[trigger warning: suicide/abuse]

The room was quiet. The dim lamp was casting a comfortable ambiance. Jisoo placed her head on his chest, tracing his well defined abdomen. She couldn't look at him in the face without her face turning red.

They just made love.

And she's freaking embarrassed.

She sighed silently.

"Don't be shy now." Taehyung murmured, gently nipping at her ear.

Taehyung shifted and pulled her closer, tucking his head on her neck.

He sighed in contentment.

"You feel so good..." he whispered.

Jisoo blushed.

And then she felt him again.

Her eyes widened. She haven't even recovered from the embarrassment!

"Oh hell no." She pushed him, scrambling out of bed.

Taehyung was laughing so hard.

"I can't help it, wifey." He winked.


[Irene's POV]

She tossed the pictures.

She reached for her glass of whiskey and finished it in one chug.

She scoffed while staring at her smiling face.

The pictures were taken earlier. It was pictures of Taehyung and that bitch in his apartment building.

Just thinking about what they could be doing is enough to make her blood boil in anger.

She needs her gone.

She needs her gone.

She reached for her phone and dialed a number.

There was a ring, and the person on the other end answered.

"Execute the plan as soon as possible." She ordered and immediately dropped the call.

It's time to meet him and introduce herself.

Yet again.

Ah, yes. That faithful night.

Memories flashed on her mind.



Warm hands.


It was bittersweet memories from her past. A past she desperately wants to forget except for that little moment she had with him.

She stood and walk towards the glass window. The bright city lights were like twinkling stars beneath her.

Life wasn't always like this.

In the past, she was beneath other people. Poor, unworthy and useless.

She couldn't remember most of it now, but she could remember how it felt.


She felt her chest tightening. Her fingers gripped the glass so tightly.

She could feel it again.

Her breathing became irregular.

Her vision became blurry, Irene staggered. A memory flashed in her mind.

It was raining, Irene was on the rooftop of a certain building. She chose it as it was the tallest one. She lingered in the middle, feeling the rain wash up the blood and tears on her face.

She walked towards the edge, limping on her right leg.

She's aching everywhere. She's dizzy from the pain.

But her mind was clear.

She's done fighting.

She sobbed.

What a fucking life. A drunkard mother who never forgets to remind her that she was a mistake and a burden.

An abusive step father.

Irene silently wailed at the memories of her getting kicked and beaten in her room, rough hands all over her, ripping her clothes and gagging her mouth, while her mother was passed out in the couch.

Irene climbed to the edge, she steadied herself. She looked down, felt a little terrified by the height.

And so she closed her eyes.

It will only hurt for a moment, and then she will be free.

She opened her eyes and took one last breath.

But before she could jump, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her away.

Her body collided to another body with a soft thump. Irene felt dizzy and there was an intense ringing on her ears.

She felt gentle tapping on her face.

"Wake up. Wake up."

She struggled to open her eyes.

And the she saw a face. A boy.

She scrambled and pushed him hard. She crawled to the corner and wrapped her arms around her. She was shaking all over.

Her eyes shifted from him and the edge of the building.

Irene fought off the whimper in her mouth.

It would have been done by now. She could've been free.

He stayed where he was and stared at her carefully.

"I'm not going to let you die." He said.

He stood up and walked towards her slowly.


Hello, dears. Your least favorite author is back. Here's an update. A little background for our dear Irene, lol. Hope you all enjoy this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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