01 • beginning

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Kim Jisoo woke up with a smile on her face, it was sunday morning and an empty schedule for her and the girls. She had already planned her whole day but her bed suddenly feels so good...

"aniyo, kim jisoo, we are not staying in bed." she scolded herself. (aniyo= no)

She got out of bed yawning and decided to get started.

She took a bath and got dressed, then she made her way to the kitchen. She heard her members voices talking and laughing while having breakfast.

She went to the table and took a toasted bread.

"Guys, i'm going out. Do you need anything for when i come back?" She said while taking a bite.

"Oh, this early?" Jennie asked, sipping her coffee.

"What early? It's 10am already." She said, and gestured for Jennie's coffee.

Jennie gave her her cup. She took a gulped from it and gave it back to her.

"Unnie, lisa and i decided to go shopping later today." Rosé said smiling. (Unnie= big sis)

"Oh, yeah! do you guys wanna come?" Lisa cheerfully asked her unnies.

"Ahh gurae? I have aerial yoga today." Jennie said pouting. (gurae= really)

"I might not be able to come with, cause you know, i have places to go and erm... people to visit." she said avoiding eye contact. Her face suddenly blushing.

Her members gasped and laughed knowingly at her red beet face. They teased her so bad, she had to scold them playfully reminding them to respect their unnie... referring to herself, but instead it made them laugh even more. She then hurriedly finished her breakfast and bid her giggling members goodbye.

Jisoo went to the supermarket to buy supplies and groceries, she wore her hat, face mask and glasses on to avoid being recognized by fans or paparazzi. Being an idol has it's perks and it's downs, one of which is not being able to do even the simplest of things, like buying groceries without hiding. Their fans... they may get out of hand sometimes, but she loves them. She's grateful for their support and their love. Without them, blackpink would be nothing.

A big smile appeared on Jisoo's face when she reached her destination, forgetting whatever it was she's thinking and suddenly feeling giddy. She took out her spare key and opened the door.

She took off her shoes and went inside the apartment. It was quiet and dark.

"Huh. He must be sleeping." Jisoo murmured to herself.

She placed her groceries in the kitchen and quietly padded towards the bedroom. She slowly opened the door and peeked.

She went to the side of the bed, smiling down at the sleeping man.

"Aigoo, he must be really tired. It's already noon." she quietly said.

His hair was all messy, mouth slightly opened. His body was hidden under the blanket, cocooned. He was sleeping like a baby... in a very hot way. God, how does he do it?

He looks so peaceful and comfortable that jisoo had the urged to join him.

She went to the other side and creeped in to the bed slowly, careful not to disturb him.

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